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Cooking on Campus: Cookies & Cream Peppermint Popcorn!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Now that Christmas season is here, I start to think about all the great Christmas treats I can make. There is a surplus of Christmas recipes out there, but the challenge is to find dorm friendly recipes. I came across this Christmas cookies & cream peppermint popcorn recipe and thought it would be perfect for a dorm friendly treat – because all you need to make it is a microwave!

I made this recipe for my friends and family over Thanksgiving break and everyone loved it. This popcorn would make a great Christmas gift for your college friends if you package it in fun Christmas bags.

All you need is:
-2 bags microwave popcorn, popped
-1 6oz box candy canes
– 1 pack Oreos
– 1 ½ packs Almond Bark
– 1 ½ teaspoon peppermint extract

1) Place popcorn in a large bowl. Crush candy canes and Oreos and pour over popcorn. I crushed my candy canes and Oreos by putting them in a Ziploc bag and hitting them with a hammer instead of using a food processor.

2) Melt almond bark in a microwaveable bowl. Add in peppermint extract and pour over popcorn mixture. Mix.

3) Melt the rest of the almond bark and pour over popcorn.

4) Enjoy!

* Taken from http://www.plainchicken.com/2010/12/peppermint-cookies-cream-popcorn.html

Founder and executive editor of the St. Olaf chapter of Her Campus, Lucy Casale is a senior English major with women's studies and media studies concentrations at St. Olaf College. A current editorial intern at MSP Communications in Minneapolis, MN, Lucy has interned at WCCO-TV/CBS Minnesota, Marie Claire magazine, and two newspapers. Visit her digital portfolio: lucysdigitalportfolio.weebly.com