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Ben Marolf ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name: Ben Marolf
Year: 2015
Relationship Status: Single and Ready to Mingle
Birthday: October 29
Major: Environmental Studies

What do you love about Ole women?
“Ole women aren’t afraid of Ole men. This is probably because we’re not very intimidating, but Ole women are never afraid to show who they really are, and that’s a great characteristic to have. I also love that Ole women always look great. Sweatpants haven’t been discovered on this hill yet.”

“I love music. So you can almost always find me playing around on my guitar in my room when I’m not out doing other things. In the summer, I sail every day on Lake Huron when I get home from work, and I like being outdoors in general. On a bit of a nerdy note, my roommate and I also love to play Minecraft in our free time. It’s like Legos on the computer for big people.”

Activities you are involved in?
“I’m involved in the men’s Ultimate Frisbee team, I’m in a number of bands on campus, and I’m trying to help found a sailing team on campus. I also work in the Pause as a senior tech, doing lights and sound for shows. KSTO hired me as their Technical Director last year as well, so I’m enjoying learning how a radio station functions, and I’m currently in the middle of building a production studio.”

Call or text?
“Call, for sure. I’m awful at replying to texting, I can’t spell, and a minute-long call gets an hour of texting accomplished.” 

What is the most romantic thing you have done for a girl?
“I cooked an entire dinner from scratch for a girl once. It consisted of Italian food, candles and some soft jazz music. “

What is your favorite place to study?
“When it’s nice outside, I love studying in the Adirondack chairs in the quad. When the weather is a bit more inclement, I head to my dorm room to study. My roommate and I have two super comfy reclining chairs in our room, and they’re great to read in.”

Favorite food?
“Ice Cream. I can sit down and eat a half-gallon of it at a time, which is a bit embarrassing, albeit delicious.”

Favorite movie?
“‘Into the Wild.’ It’s inspiring.”

Any secret or hidden talents?
“Not many people know that I can run a dairy farm like a seasoned veteran. Milking cows is second nature.”

Finish this sentence: A girl looks her best when…
“She goes to St. Olaf. We have a good-looking campus.”

Describe yourself in one word.

Pet peeves?
“When I put on a nice, new pair of socks, and then step in something wet. So upsetting.”

What is your ideal date?
“I love doing things outdoors, so my ideal date would probably involve a nice walk around a lake during the fall, when the leaves are gorgeous. Follow that up with a dinner and a nice movie, and you’ve got a great date.”

What he wants Ole women to know:
“I really, really, really like receiving chocolaty baked goods in my P.O.”

Best pick up line?
“I really like your shoes. Want to go back to my place?”

If you were a superhero, what would your superhero name and power be?
“I would be Benny, and I would lead a pack of crime fighting flying puppies called “the Jets.” Combined, we would be Benny and the Jets. My superpower would be the ability to read all the material I’m assigned for classes on time, and I’d just let the puppies fight all the crime.”

I write the Campus Cutie blog for St. Olaf Her Campus!