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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

It’s no surprise that our stress levels increase as the school year drags on. Increased stress can cause us to forget our beauty regimens, creating an opportunity for increased acne—both blackheads and whiteheads. So what can be done to prevent this?

Here are some simple ways to prevent this that are commonly overlooked:

1. Wash your face! This is an incredibly important and easy measure we can take to protect ourselves from unwanted blemishes. Our skin needs time to recuperate from the stress of the day, so do it a favor and let it breathe. My favorite face wash is Philosophy’s Purity. It is super gentle and does a fabulous job removing all of my makeup—even layers of mascara!

If you are having a lazy day, just pick up some cleansing towelettes and give your face a quick wipe. If you have sensitive skin like myself the brand Say Yes To Carrots, which can be purchased at our favorite Targét boutique, offers some great options!

Also, if you are prone to blemishes grab a product with some salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. It helps keep skin clear and prevent future breakouts.

2. Exfoliate! This is a super important step for our skin. Slough off the dead skin cells to clear out the dirt and oils that cause acne. It’s important to pay attention though—don’t over-exfoliate as that can actually do more harm than good. I have used St. Ives Apricot Scrub, Philosophy’s Microdermabrasion and am currently trying out Say Yes To Tomatoes Pore Scrub. They all have worked great for me!

3. Use a mask! While it requires a little more time, using a mask is a great way to pull out any impurities in your skin and dry up existing zits. While there are some great high-end products that provide great results, they can be quite spendy. Fortunately for us the brand Queen Helene offers a great Mint Julep mask and it’s cheap! Seriously, it’s less than $5 and can be picked up at Walgreens or Target! So when you are feeling like your skin is getting a little out of control, glob some on and enjoy the tingly sensation as it dries. 

Removing makeup and built-up residue is obviously beneficial for getting glowing skin, but don’t forget to also drink plenty of water, use a moisturizer with some SPF and eat a healthy diet!