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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

This January, as many Oles do, I made my interim pilgrimage abroad. With the amazing opportunity to study in Morocco, there was also the opportunity to live in a more natural way – less time on the phone, less Internet, and more hormone-free food. This way of life got me thinking. If this lifestyle is so good for the soul, then why not apply to the concept to our beauty routines? Take a look at your face wash. Do you understand what those ingredients are? I certainly do not. Here are some techniques I learned that are fun to try, and actually very beneficial.



This tasty treat does more than soothe your sore throat and sweeten your tea. Honey is full of antimicrobial properties and is a natural moisturizer.

Try a honey facial. This one is simple: take a teaspoon or two of honey and some warm water and massage onto the face and rinse. Not only will you smell good, but also your face will feel fresh and soft.

Soften Skin. The winter chill got your elbows and heels all cracked and dry? Rub some honey on the problem spot, let it sit for a few minutes, and wash it off.

Honey Hair Mask. Mix two tablespoons of honey with one medium avocado. Massage into hair and let sit for 20 minutes (I usually wrap my hair in a plastic Target bag and towel for this time period). Shampoo and condition as usual. Enjoy your soft and frizz-free hair.


Olive Oil

A staple in Moroccan cooking, olive oil is great for your entire body: skin, hair, nails…

Shave with olive oil. Instead of using shaving cream (or if you are out) try rubbing some olive oil on your legs. It is a natural moisturizer that facilitates a close shave.

Control Frizz. On your way out and notice that your hair is uncontrollably frizzy? Rub a touch of olive oil through your hand and smooth those flyaways down.

Make your own lip balm. Mix olive oil and melted beeswax in a one to one ratio on the stovetop. Pour into a small container and maybe add a drop of an essential oil, like mint, for an extra kick. Let cool and enjoy.

Make-up remover. Enough said. Dab all over the face and use a washcloth to easily wipe of make-up. Wash face afterwards.

Moisturize. Much like honey, olive oil is a natural moisturizer. Rub it on your hands, elbows, feet, or face for almost instant results.



When life gives you lemons… make them a beauty product.

Lighten Hair. Lemons have a natural whitening and lightening property, and I remember doing this as a kid. Take lemon juice and work it through your hair. Then, sit in the sun. It is as easy as that but seeing as we are lacking sun right now maybe try a hairdryer instead.

Whiten fingernails. The same concept applies here. Rub a lemon wedge over your nails to remove grime and brighten up nails.

Freshen breath. The acidic properties and strong scent make lemons the new after-dinner mint. If you happen to get a lemon in your water take a bite of it before leaving the table, or if you are in the cage and are lacking gum, there are lemons on the condiment counter!



Anytime I can incorporate sugar into my day, I am one happy girl. So, when I heard of these ideas, I couldn’t resist.

Extend Lipstick Wear. This technique extends the life of lipstick on your lips. After applying lipstick, sprinkle a little sugar on your lips. Let it sit for a bit before licking it off. It helps set the lipstick like powder does, but tastes much better!

Make a body scrub. Mix sugar with some of that olive oil or honey and you have a sweet exfoliator. Use with a loofa in the shower and rinse. I couldn’t think of a better start to my day.



Bri attends St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota and is majoring in Psychology with concentrations in Media Studies and Women's Studies. She is most passionate about writing, traveling, cooking, hand-written letters and cheering on the Minnesota Vikings and Wisconsin Badgers. In her free time, she enjoys running, photography, attempting to blog and spending time with her amazing family and friends. She is currently an Arts & Entertainment Editor for the St. Olaf College newspaper with the lovely Lucy Casale and aspires to further explore the field of journalism after graduation.