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Beauty Beat: Let’s Pretend It’s Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.


I don’t know about everyone else, but I am still holding on to the memory of those few splendid days of warm weather that we had last week. This new round of cold weather has me longing for summer with even more resolve. So today, I am pretending that is 80 degrees outside and all that snow is sand at the beach. Here are some ways to melt-proof your makeup!



Using a face and eye makeup primer not only helps makeup stay in place, but it also gives your skin a dewy, fresh look that is refreshing for the warmer days ahead. Primers smooth and finish your skin, providing a budge-proof look. Be sure to choose products that are silicone based, as silicone blocks humidity and moisture to help your makeup stay put longer.


Even though they may be more difficult to remove, choose waterproof products like mascara and eyeliner! If you decide to wear lip color, go for a lip stain or a tinted lip balm.

When it comes to eye shadow, try using a cream-based shadow. These colors don’t budge and resist creasing – basically, they are a godsend. It is never fun when your eye makeup runs and you end up looking like a raccoon!


And finally…..Don’t forget your SPF.

Bri attends St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota and is majoring in Psychology with concentrations in Media Studies and Women's Studies. She is most passionate about writing, traveling, cooking, hand-written letters and cheering on the Minnesota Vikings and Wisconsin Badgers. In her free time, she enjoys running, photography, attempting to blog and spending time with her amazing family and friends. She is currently an Arts & Entertainment Editor for the St. Olaf College newspaper with the lovely Lucy Casale and aspires to further explore the field of journalism after graduation.