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Beauty Beat: Four Quick and Easy Halloween Costumes!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Stuck on your Halloween Costume? No need to fret! Here are a few, quick and easy ideas for Halloween that you can create with makeup you have lying around your dorm room!

Here, here kitty kat!

This one isn’t particularly ingenious – in fact you may have even tried it out once as a child. It is super easy to pull off, though! Grab a pair of cat ears (rabbit ears would also work), paint some big and bright circles on your cheeks, draw on some whiskers and a nose and you’re done!


El Dia de los Muertos

Although Halloween and the Mexican holiday aren’t the same, the common skulls of El Dia de los Muertos certainly lend themselves to inspiration for a skillfully crafted skull! You’ll need some white face paint and black liner (you can add color too). All you need is a steady hand and your costume is complete!


Marcel Marceau

A mime is a perfect costume in a time crunch! Again, all you need is some white face paint, black liner and some red lipstick and you’re set!


Poison Ivy

Remember the old Batman movie that originally featured Bane? He was hardly the mastermind that he is in Christopher Nolan’s rendition of The Dark Knight Rises. Instead, he was the muscle behind Uma Thurman’s evil plans. So try being the villain this Halloween and recreate her mask! Paint leaves around your eyes in either gold or green paint, dress in all green spandex and “dye” your hair red for the night. Voila!