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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.


Fall break is almost here! For some of us Fall Break means going home, relaxing and catching up with friends. For others fall break will be filled with travel, sunning and exploring. Either way, don’t get caught with chipped nails or neglected toes! So take a few minutes out of your busy schedules and give yourself an update mani/pedi!

If you do have remanants of nail polish on your nails go ahead and soak them. This makes removing the polish easier! Obviously, just doing so after a shower works as well.


Then, clear off creeping cuticles and then shape your nails with an emory board. If your nails are in need of some extra work you can use one of those fancy nail files that has multiple sides (shape, buff, smooth, shine, etc.). They work great! Just be careful not to overdo it as it can thin your nails significantly, which could lead to weak and breakable nails.

Don’t forget to use a pumice stone on your feet if you have rough spots on your heels or inner big toe mound.

The next part is the best – the polish! The options are endless! Fall is great for deep, rich colors like plum, navy, and deep red. I’m also a fan of mauves and grays. If you are traveling somewhere warm, consider summer colors like pinks, oranges, poppy, etc.  

Some of my favorite brands for colors are OPI and Essie. So go check them out, play with different options and have a great Fall Break!