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When You’re Feeling Frustrated, Remember This

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

Frustration (noun): “the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.” Frustration is a reality that each of us deals with every single day. It doesn’t only impact certain people, or only occur in certain situations, or come arranged on a calendar so that we can prepare for it. Frustration is often disguised in our daily routines, piling up silently until we break down into a heap of emotional confusion. It is at this point, when we feel utterly helpless and tense and lost that we have to remember: the world isn’t ending, not even close.

Frustration is normal, and as terrible as it is when we experience it, it would be more worrisome if we never did. Once we accept that the ground is not, in reality, crumbling beneath our feet, it important to reassess the situation, or life in general. Ask yourself: how did I end up in this heap? How long have I been lying to myself? How many people have I let push me around, as I pick up their slack without a second thought? The answers themselves are not what is most important, although reflecting may lead you to some new realizations. What is important is your awareness and acceptance of the situation. Reassess your expectations, gather your positive thoughts and throw out thoughts of doubt of negativity.

At the end of each day, it is a reality that some elements of our lives are simply beyond our control. As hard as it may be, focusing only on what it is that we can control and letting go of everything we cannot, is the only option. If we did not experience frustration our lives would be much too easy. We could never experience challenges and we would never be able to grow and change to become who we are as individuals.

So the next time you’re frustrated, if nothing else, remember: the world is not ending, not even close. Need a plan? Try starting with these: Breath. Reassess. Gather positivity. Focus on what you can control. Disregard negative thoughts and realities that are beyond your control. Begin again.


(Photos: Pinterest)
