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Seven Things I Learned My Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

Freshman year was the perfect combination of awkward and amazing. I made friends and lost friends. I continued some of my hobbies, but also discontinued some as well. I went out some weekends and stayed in others. I felt motivated to work hard in school, but I also felt lazy. You would think my freshman year was a rollercoaster ride. And that is exactly what it was. But my experience at St. Lawrence as a sophomore has only gotten better. Especially since I have learned so many crucial lessons freshman year that helped me grow. So, to celebrate that growth, I decided to list seven of the most important lessons I learned as a college freshman.

You and your roommate will most likely not stay best friends.

Like the typical college students in movies, books, and TV shows, my former roommate and I were inseparable. We did a lot together, such as eat brunch, go hiking, go to parties, and go to the movies. But as the end of first semester came around, that ended. Our schedules were different.  Because of this, we grew apart.

But you can still be close to your roommate even if you have different friends

Although we did grow apart, my former roommate and I would always find time to talk to each other. Even if it was just to catch up before we went to sleep. So, it is 100% possible to remain friends with your roommate. If it is a priority for you.

Tell people you love and appreciate them before it is too late.

In college, many friendships and relationships are temporary. That is the sad truth. I made friends my freshman year that did not stick with me as a sophomore. I never told them how much I appreciated them before they moved on. So, be sure to cherish every moment you have and tell your friends you enjoy their company. Because you never know what might happen.

You are not weird if you are the “inexperienced friend.”                

I still feel insecure about this from time to time. My friends tell me I am the inexperienced friend. And they are right. I was sheltered a lot of my life. And that was my own fault. But they loved me and accepted me just as I am. If you are friendly and are open minded, being inexperienced does not matter much in the grand scheme of things.

Having high expectations going into college will only leave you disappointed.

Just like you cannot expect high school to be High School Musical, you cannot expect college to be like it is in the movies. I spent so much of freshman year expecting to have a perfect college experience like in the books and the movies. It never happened. Yeah, I was sad for a while. But I realized if you want something to happen, you need to go and make it happen.

Do not be ashamed of going out alone.

In my first Her Campus article, I mentioned that going out alone is one of the best things you can do. Especially if you want to boost your confidence. I used to feel a little bit strange about it, but the fact that I even stepped out of my dorm room and experienced things alone made me feel invincible. And better yet, if you mention that you went out alone, people are more likely to be impressed than judgmental. Especially since it is 2018 and being an independent woman is badass.

Stop living in your head and go experience things.

I did this a lot more as a college freshman. I zoned out and stopped paying attention to all the amazing things going on around me. I would avoid people that tried to make conversation with me. I would not take advantage of the opportunities that St. Lawrence offered me. But now that I have stopped living in my head (for the most part), my experience at St. Lawrence has only gotten better.

Obviously, there is going to be more knowledge I can share. Since it is only my second year and I have two more years’ worth of experience left. But these are the most important pieces of wisdom that have helped me grow so far. And I think that the lessons helping us grow are the ones worth celebrating.

Hannah Smelter

St. Law U '21

Writer that is passionate about veganism, books, and self-help