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How to Start the Semester Off Strong

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

New semester, new you? If, like most of us, you are looking to up your academic game this semester, here are a few tips and tricks on how to start off the semester strong to achieve all your goals.  

1. Meet your teachers. There is no better way to start off the semester than on good footing with your professor. Even if it is a simple introduction after class, good relationships will make it a lot easier to get help throughout the semester.

2. Read the syllabus. It’s not just a piece of paper to tuck in your notebook after the first day of class. The syllabus will contain imperative information, like an outline or the grading scale as well as some insight on what your semester is going to look like!

3. Find friends in your classes. We are lucky that SLU is a small campus, so the odds you don’t know a single person in your class are slim. However if that is the case, it’s time to make a new friend so you have someone to talk to about homework or to study with!

4. Actually do your assigned readings. Sure you may not want to read the entire “Great Gatsby” in one weekend, but teachers do not assign readings for fun. They will have some sort of significance in your class, so be sure to read to make sure you are as prepared as possible.

5. Utilize a planner or agenda. Whether you’re a Lilly Pulitzer girl, or you just input everything in your phone make sure you are keeping track of all exams and assignments you have over the semester. Some professors put all information in the syllabus and then will not mention them again, so it’s up to you to be accountable.

6. Finally, don’t forget about all the academic resources you have! Check out our other article “Academic Resources on Campus” for a list of everywhere you can look for help when you need it.