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4 Absolute Must-Watch Movies before October 31st

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

When the air starts to get brisk, and the leaves start to turn, what better way to embrace the cold weather than snuggling in one night and watching  a movie (or 4)? Get a cozy blanket, light a pumpkin spice candle, and get that popcorn poppin’! Take your first pick according to these movie reviews:


  1. Hocus Pocus~ A personal favorite! If you’re looking for a slightly spooky, but equally enjoyable, story, choose this thriller about the Salem Witch Sisters. A little romance between California native, Max, and his comical and outgoing sister, Dani, who go out on a trick-or-treating excursion and end up at an old haunted witch house with Max’s secret crush, Allison. They try to clean up the mess they make by releasing the ghosts of all of the deceased witches.

  1. Halloweentown~ A suspenseful series about a family of witches who try to stop evil villains from trying to trick innocent trick-or-treaters.  Marnie, a halloween enthused teen, soon realizes that both her mom and her grandmother are true witches, with witch like powers, leading her to the realization that she, too, is a witch. Once Marnie realizes her abilities, she goes on an eventful journey with her grandmother to stop the villains













3. The Nightmare before Christmas~ Who doesn’t love a classic Tim Burton film?! This movie brings you on an adventure with Jack Skellington. Jack, realizing he’s bored of scaring people in the real world, decides to go on an excursion and accidentally lands himself in a Christmas town. Watch and see as he tries to take over Christmas, and kidnap Santa Claus himself.  




4. It’s the great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown~ Although there’s a Charlie Brown movie for almost every holiday, this one always seems to be the crowd favorite. Snoopy and Charlie Brown go trick-or-treating while Linus is waiting to be visited by the great pumpkin! (Who doesn’t love the classic phone conversations they have in every Charlie Brown movie, where the person on the other line sounds like a quacking duck.)