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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

I want to start this off by saying how proud I am to be woman. In a world where women are consistently seen as weak, useless, and are underestimated, I have observed women as being strong, supportive, brave, and powerful. Women are born into a world where they are often asked to meet contradicting standards and act a certain way. 

To get to my point a little quicker: Women are amazing and its about time our society recognizes it.

I had only heard about Women’s History Month within the past 5(ish) years, so imagine my surprise when I found out it has been recognized for years. When I first found out about it, probably along with many of my adolescent peers, I was immediately overwhelmed by waves of misogynist jokes and sexist remarks that complained about how men should be celebrated more. Ugh. This is all part of the issue. If every time a woman gets to celebrate herself or her accomplishments she is compared to a man, is she really able to celebrate herself? 

Women’s History Month, for me, isn’t a month where I climb to the nearest elevated surface and scream about how great women are. Women’s History Month is a time for me to reflect and recognize the women in my life for being as amazing as they are. 

I think about my mother. I think about how she is my rock, my safe place, my support, my reassurance, my voice of reason, and my home. I think about my sisters. I think about how they are my sources of advice and laughter, my built in best friends, my constants, and my comfort. I think about my friends. I think about how whether I have known them for months or a lifetime, they are loyal, they are my smiles, my joy, my laughter, and my judgement free zone.

Women’s History Month affords us all an opportunity to look around, recognize, and admire the women around us.

To the women in my life who have and continue to shape and support me: Thank you, I love you, I appreciate you.

Grace Kelly

St. John's '25

Grace is in her second year at St. John's University majoring in Adolescent Education with a concentration in English. She enjoys reading, writing, exploring the city, and watching rom-coms in her free time.