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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

The Fall 2020 college semester was the first fully remote/hybrid learning semester for college students. Zoom and Webex became the new classroom and college campuses became minimized and limited. Some things I’ve learned during this stressful semester were:

1. Complete your course evaluations

Teaching college courses fully online/hybrid is extremely difficult. Both professors and students struggle with this new way of learning. Course evaluations allow you to reflect on how your professors approached this new style and how well they communicated with their students throughout the semester. These evaluations are extremely beneficial to students, professors, and the university as a whole, especially with this big change in learning.  

2. Utilize your resources (if possible)

Although colleges may not have a lot of in-person classes, resources such as computer labs, libraries, chapels, and tutoring centers may be open. I personally didn’t have any in-person classes this semester, but I tried to visit campus and do assignments there as much as possible. Universities’ resources and environments can enhance learning and motivation with schoolwork, unlike your bedroom. 

3. Rely on your friends and family

COVID-19 and quarantine has had a very negative impact on people’s mental health and happiness. During these tough times, you should communicate with your loved ones to stay motivated and satisfied. A negative mindset can influence schoolwork tremendously so it is imperative that you stay connected with your friends and family to maintain a positive mental state. 

Although we don’t know what the spring semester will be like, keeping these three ideas in mind will definitely help you have a better and more enjoyable semester. 

Isabel O'Neill

St. John's '22

I am a senior Adolescent Education major with a concentration in Spanish. I enjoy writing about pop culture, current events, important topics, and things that make me happy. You can find me shopping, at Chipotle or listening to Harry Styles :)
Ivy Bourke

St. John's '23

Campus Correspondent for St. John's. I am a Sports Management major with a concentration in Business Administration, and a minor in Journalism. My passion for writing has never dulled so I hope to always use this passion for entertainment, and change.