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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

On Wed. Feb. 17, Sen. Ted Cruz flew to Cancun, Mexico on a vacation with his family, leaving his state, Texas, in an unattended climate crisis. 

The month of February has been chaotic for all Texans who have had to deal with one of the worst climate crises the state has seen in decades. Extreme cold temperatures, snow, and ice have caused a state-wide blackout which eventually resulted in the loss of 58 Texan lives, the Washington Post reported. 

The current situation turned even more dramatic when photos of Sen. Ted Cruz were posted on social media in a United Airlines plane flying to Cancun. However, 10 hours after the pictures were seen, Cruz and his family booked a flight returning to their home state. 

“It was obviously a mistake and in hindsight, I wouldn’t have done it,” Cruz said in an apology issued after his return claiming that he did not intend to diminish “the suffering and hardship other Texans have suffered.” 

Cruz has proved time and time again to be an incompetent leader, therefore it does not come as a surprise that he decided to flee in such a catastrophe. It is hilarious yet maddening to see pictures of the Republican Senator trying to make amends by delivering bottles of water to people right after he came back from his short trip, while other politicians such as Beto O’Rourke and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, have provided the people with shelter, food, and transportation, and raised around $2 million, respectively. In these cases, it is easy to see who is genuinely working for the people. 

However, what is more, concerning is the thought that this is what will happen when a bigger climate crisis comes. For decades now, global warming has become a bigger issue that unfortunately, as a society, we have not handled correctly. It is frightening to think that people in power and those of higher economical status will be able to simply escape, while families in lower social classes, unable to relocate, will have to stay and suffer. 

Although Sen. Cruz failed his state, it is important that, as a community, we acknowledge the bigger issues, Texas’ political failures. Gov. Gregg Abbott, who has far more power over the decision the state makes than Sen. Cruz, has not been cooperative whatsoever. For instance, according to a CNN article, Abbott and his team have not only ignored recommendations to winterize their energy operation, but they have also blamed liberal energy policies for the crisis. “This shows how the Green New Deal would be a deadly deal for America,” Abbott told Fox News, neglecting that the reason for Texas’ electricity shortage was due to issues with the state’s natural gas supply. 

It is heartbreaking to see Texans suffering. But it is infuriating to watch repeatedly how our politicians keep failing us. From Cruz’s insensitive vacation to Abbott’s incompetence, it is clearer than ever that some politicians do not care about the greater good of their constituents. Hopefully, the climate crisis in the Lone Star state will encourage Americans, and people all over the world, to start taking climate change seriously. We must all take our part in saving the earth from complete destruction caused by our negligence. It is time to start holding politicians accountable and bring this climate crisis to an end once and for all. 

Maria is a second year Journalism major at St. John's. She's from Venezuela, but recently moved to NYC. Besides writing, she likes to read, watch movies and explore the city. She is very excited about this new journey on Her Campus and can't wait for what it has to offer! Ig: @mariavillarroel1
Ivy Bourke

St. John's '23

Campus Correspondent for St. John's. I am a Sports Management major with a concentration in Business Administration, and a minor in Journalism. My passion for writing has never dulled so I hope to always use this passion for entertainment, and change.