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Paper Paris: Feminism Battle in France

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Recently, there has been some controversy on how to target sexual abuse in France. France has been a patriarchal country where men have dominated the country for ages. However, recent events have caused women to take a stand against the patriarchal society and speak against powerful men. This wave of feminism began when Christophe Girard, a powerful and successful broker in Paris and the mayor’s deputy became a focus of controversy for support of Gabriel Matzneff, a writer who admitted to having sexual relations with underage girls and boys. Gabriel Matzeff who was once known as an elite intellectual is now considered a pedophile. This controversy has caused a rise in the #Metoo movement and more women are standing up and raising their voices against sexual abuse. 

However, there has been some debate on how to effectively target sexual abuse. Many people have mixed feelings about the subject. Anne Hidalgo, the second-term mayor of Paris believes in a more traditional approach to targeting sexual abuse, which consists of fighting for the rights of women within the country’s legal framework and core values. Alice Coffin, French journalist, city councilor, and a feminist activist who is a part of the new wave of feminism believes in targeting the powerful men in France and fighting against the patriarchal French society.

The new feminism wave has caused women to become more assertive. It is the first time in France where powerful men are being held accountable for their actions. Women are tired of feeling like second class citizens and living in a male-dominated society. The new feminist wave in France is targeting powerful men, which has never happened before. It is the new era of feminism.

Approaching issues such as sexual abuse can be difficult, especially in traditional, male-driven societies. However, whether you believe in a more traditional or modern and assertive approach, it’s crucial for women to understand that there are no sides to feminism. American poet, civil rights activist and feminist, Maya Angelou, describes, “I am a feminist. I’ve been female for a long time now. It’d be stupid not to be on my own side.” Women should support and empower each other to speak up so men in power will not be able to get away with heinous acts. 

I am a Global Development and Sustainability major at St. John's University. I enjoy traveling, journaling, and exploring the city with friends.
Ivy Bourke

St. John's '23

Campus Correspondent for St. John's. I am a Sports Management major with a concentration in Business Administration, and a minor in Journalism. My passion for writing has never dulled so I hope to always use this passion for entertainment, and change.