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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.
1.) Where are you from?
I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I was raised in Bay Ridge right by the Verrazano bridge.  
2.) What is your major?
Economics in the Tobin Business school.  
3.) How old are you?
4.) Are you single or taken?
5.) Favorite color?
Navy Blue
6.) Do you have any hobbies and if yes what are they?
My hobbies are playing sports, shopping, watching movies, and listening to music.
7.) What is a dream date like for you?
When I first read this question my mind was everywhere because I could think of a million different dream dates. Although after thinking about the question I realized that the most extravagant date isn’t necessarily my dream date.  As much as I would love to surprise my date with a private jet to Paris and have dinner on the top of the Eiffel Tower, it isn’t where I’m at right now. Hopefully one day I can experience that but for now here is my dream date. I would pick up my date and have brunch with her in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Afterward we would go shopping in the Manhattan, hit up a museum, and find a mini adventure to go on. Then I would drop her off at her place and pick her up again later that evening. We would eat at a nice restaurant (both dressed to the nines), exchange stories, and reflect on our day. Once dinner is over we go to one of our places and listen to music and talk about life. Finally we would end the night wrapped in each other’s arms and wake up in the morning. 
8.) Biggest fear?
My biggest fear is not making the most out of every moment and not leaving a legacy. 
9.) What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve has to be people who like or follow things just because they are popular. I personally feel that you should be your own person and you can’t do that if you bandwagon every popular thing. 
10.) Where do you see yourself once you graduate?
Well once I graduate I want to take a year off to travel the world and experience different cultures. Life is too short not to experience all that the world has to offer. After that year off I would like to get my doctorate in economics and hopefully own department stores in every major city. 
11.) What is something you hope to accomplish this year?
This year I hope to finish this semester with a 4.0, make more connections in the fashion industry, give back to the community through service, and just be the best person I can be.
12.) What do you look for in a person?
A sense of humor is something I always look for in a person. Other traits I look for is someone who is spontaneous, is into fashion, and loves all types of music.
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Reza Moreno

St. John's

I am 19 years old from Southern Califronia currently a student at St. John's University. I love writing about fashion and sports. My hobbies include designing clothes, writing poems, and reading!
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