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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

While I wish I could say I’ve been natural my whole life, I caved into societal pressures. For a long time, believing that my natural hair meant I was “less than”, impacted the health of my hair. Eventually, I learned better. I got rid of all my straight ends in June 2019, haven’t looked back, and I’ve had to learn to care for my hair all over again. While I believe there are endless do’s and dont’s surrounding natural hair, I think there are many hair care do’s that everyone should try in their natural hair routine. A lot of these tips have saved my hair, my time, and some tears. 

  1. Do not be afraid of shampoo

When tending to their hair, some people are apprehensive about shampoo. Whether they grew up on the misconception that ‘dirty hair grows,’ or find shampoo to be drying, there are many benefits to doing it. Aside from being hygienic, cleaning your hair weekly, or bi-weekly prior to styling will keep your hair looking and feeling it’s best. In my experience, the buildup of products has gotten in the way of new products working on my hair the way they are supposed to. In short, I’ve noticed that I get the best results when I begin with a clean slate. So, shampoo! 

  1. Deep condition 

Deep conditioning has been my best friend throughout my natural hair journey. The difference in my hair’s manageability after deep conditioning is always apparent. I think that it’s something everyone should incorporate into their hair care, especially if hydration and moisture are something you struggle with.

  1. Low manipulation styling is key

Styling my hair in ways that do not put too much stress on it has played a major part in my natural hair health. I’ve noticed too many tight styles have led to tangles and put unnecessary stress on my hair. So, I aim to wear it out as much as possible.

  1. Get trims as often as YOU need to 

As much as I love cutting my hair, it’s always a little hard to get rid of dead ends. However, doing so will lead to natural hair that looks and behaves in a healthier way. You’ll know it’s time for a trim if your hair looks different, is harder, or takes longer to detangle. I aim for trims every three months and see the benefits every time.

  1. If your hair loves a product, stick with it

This tip is kind of self explanatory, but I know trying new products can easily become a habit that is hard to break. I have seen such a difference in how long my styles last by minimizing the amounts of products I use and sticking with my “old faithful” products that I know will not fail me. Hair care does not have to be expensive, less is more and your hair will thank you. 

With all of that being said, my natural hair care journey has involved a lot of trial and error. Most importantly, it involves practice. All of the tips above have helped me care for my hair in the best way. My final tip is to follow natural hairstylists. I have listed a few accounts below whose users I have learned a lot from. I have been able to incorporate their advice into my haircare.

Anita- @monarchcurl 

Camille Janae- @camillejanae

Kera- @cusecurlfriend

Alysha Richards

St. John's '23

19| NY| Hello! My name is Alysha Richards and I am a junior at St. John's University in Queens. I am currently working towards a degree in Legal Studies, and a minor in Journalism. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me. Lover of all things Disney & Marvel.