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My Quarantine Skincare Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Since being quarantined, a lot has changed in my life. My routines have definitely shifted and been kind of thrown out the window in some cases, but one thing has not changed: my skincare. It’s so important to find a routine that works for you and to stick to it, so that you can give your skin the love it needs and deserves. Here are my favorite products that have been my go to’s both in and out of this quarantine. (For reference, I have oily skin)

Step 1: Makeup remover – Clinique: Take The Day Off cleansing balm  ($30)

I won’t lie, I have probably worn makeup a total of 4 times during this quarantine, but if and when I do, this cleansing balm is gentle enough for me to use on my whole face but still powerful enough to get rid of the most stubborn makeup products.

Step 2: Lip scrub – Lush: Bubblegum lip scrub ($12.95)

I love giving my lips a little tlc with this scrub. It’s super easy to use and will leave your lips looking and feeling great. It tastes amazing too!

Step 3: Cleansing – Clean and Clear: Lemon line ($5.99)

To wash my face, I use the lemon gel facial cleanser in the morning and the zesty lemon scrub at night. I also use a spinning face brush in the morning to wake me and my skin up.

Step 4: Toning – Lush: Tea Tree Water/ Clean and Clear lemon line (3.3 fl. oz-$10.95/$5.99)

In the morning, I use tea tree water which helps to balance the natural oils in my face and prevent breakouts. At night, I prefer to use the Clean and Clear toner which is great at removing impurities and old makeup

Step 5: Moisturizing – Cetaphil: moisturizing skin cream/Vitamin E oil ($10.79/$7.19 on amazon)

Even though I have oily skin it’s still important for me to moisturize. I have been using Cetaphil for many years, it’s so light I can’t even feel it. I recently started to use a little vitamin e oil at night and it has worked wonders. My skin is visibly brighter and smoother and a little goes a long way.

Taylor is a Senior English major at St. John's University. After college, she plans on pursuing graduate school and a career in Higher Education Administration.