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Inspirational Black Women That Made An Impact On Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

There are countless inspirational black women that have made enormous impacts and contributions to society. Many black women have had to overcome discrimination, stereotypes, hatred, etc. However, they have still managed to become powerful role models and amazing leaders. These are just three inspirational Black women that have made an impact on me.

1. Halima Aden

A Somali-American and former fashion model and pageant contestant. She was the first supermodel to wear a hijab. She wasn’t afraid to hide her identity and work for an industry that didn’t have much religious diversity. She soon left because it was interfering with her faith. I admire her confidence and bravery. Aden is proud of her identity. She is a role model to many young Muslim women such as myself. Growing up as a South Asian Muslim, in a small town, I felt like I had to hide my identity because of the fear that I wouldn’t be accepted. Aden encourages women to be proud of their identity and faith. She has also done a lot of humanitarian work for UNICEF and advocates for refugee children.

2. Jaha Dukureh

A Gambian women’s rights and anti-female genital mutilation activist. She went through Female Genital Mutilation when she was just a baby and was being forced into marriage at 15. She fought for her rights and began speaking out against such practices. She is now a women’s rights activist and a UN Women Regional Ambassador for Africa. Dukureh overcame her hardships and is now a role model to so many women. She has shown the true power of a woman. She teaches women to speak up against injustices and encourages us to use our voices. She is an outstanding example of a powerful black woman. Her story encourages me to use my voice and fight for my beliefs despite difficult circumstances.

3. Tarana Burke

An African American activist from the Bronx, New York who started the MeToo movement in 2006. Many people are aware of the METOO movement and it has become a global phenomenon. However, not many people are aware that an African American woman started the movement. Burke encourages women to come together to stand up against sexual abuse and use their voices. The METOO movement has helped so many women feel brave enough to share their stories and understand the true power of using our voice.

These are only three out of millions of inspirational black women. These three women have overcome many challenges and have a passion for helping others and making a difference. They encourage me to be a better person and keep going.


I am a Global Development and Sustainability major at St. John's University. I enjoy traveling, journaling, and exploring the city with friends.
Ivy Bourke

St. John's '23

Campus Correspondent for St. John's. I am a Sports Management major with a concentration in Business Administration, and a minor in Journalism. My passion for writing has never dulled so I hope to always use this passion for entertainment, and change.