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Miranda Almodovar

How Nuns Have Helped Modern-Day Feminism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

When we think of nuns, feminism usually does not come to mind.  Nuns are commonly viewed as traditional Catholic women who are extremely religious. However, although nuns are devoted to religion, they are very underestimated when it comes to the topic of feminism. Nuns are powerful and intelligent women who have greatly influenced modern-day feminism.

In early Catholic communities, many women joined convents so they could avoid marriage, pursue higher education, and gain a sense of community and belonging from others.  For many women, joining a convent was a fresh start in life.  It allowed some to escape child marriage, sexual abuse, prostitution, and homelessness. Becoming a nun gave authority and respect to women at a time when they were considered inferior and weak. Women who became nuns devoted their lives to prayer acts of service and committed lifelong chastity. During this time, women were not in charge of their bodies. Men were in charge and came up with the rules. However, nuns used the power of religion to fight for their rights and demanded respect. This was seen as extremely radical. Earlier nuns went against tradition and became powerful, educated leaders in society.

Joining a convent was very beneficial for earlier Catholic women. It was the only way for women to pursue higher education at the time. Women from all kinds of backgrounds and social classes were given equal opportunities in education. They were able to pursue many different paths. Nuns were the first women in society to hold higher-level jobs. For example, some went into the medical field and became nursers and aids and others chose different career paths like childcare and became teachers. During the 20th century, nuns built and worked at many schools, hospitals, and orphanages. They were very involved in their communities.  However, the civil rights and women’s movements, and increasing opportunities for employment and education for women caused a decline in nuns. This proved how many women were joining the convents to gain education and jobs rather than for religion.

It’s inspiring how women from all kinds of backgrounds and social classes can unite and form a sisterhood. They leave their lives to join a sisterhood where they support each other and don’t let societal pressures get to them. They don’t worry about appearance or money and live humble simple lives where they work towards bettering themselves and their community. Nuns were one of the first women to fight for rights and demand respect from men. They are empowering leaders and great examples of feminism.

I am a Global Development and Sustainability major at St. John's University. I enjoy traveling, journaling, and exploring the city with friends.
Ivy Bourke

St. John's '23

Campus Correspondent for St. John's. I am a Sports Management major with a concentration in Business Administration, and a minor in Journalism. My passion for writing has never dulled so I hope to always use this passion for entertainment, and change.