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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Finals are no joke. Its the sign of the end! Dun-dun-dunnn. 

Let me stop and bring some light into this situation. 

Trust me, it looks bad now, but the Holidays are here and it’s just around the corner. Three weeks from now, you will be watching holiday movies, lighting the Christmas tree, and then ripping open presents! 

As finals near, it’s important to step back and breathe. 

It can be overwhelming looking at the number of tests you have next week and the week after that. Personally, I think it’s scarier than a horror movie. 

Now, there are four steps to follow to get ready for finals. 4 simple methods. 


1. Get a Calendar and start labeling the dates of each exam. 

This should give you an idea of what it’s going to be like for the next coming weeks. Once everything is written, it becomes way easier to plan your next steps.


2. Plan when and how you’re going to prepare for your exam.  

This might be the most complex step yet. Why? It’s easy to be bombarded with the shortage of timing you have on studying for these exams. Not to worry, it takes about three minutes to start planning. For each week, count the exams. Then on the free days of that week, split up the subjects you’re going to study for the upcoming exam on those days. If your final is pretty messy and you have it a majority of the week, then it’s best to sort out your free-time by hours.  


3. Remember to take breaks. 

Everyone wants to ace their final, but it won’t be any good without proper sleep, a good breakfast, or even a slight break during studying. Grades won’t be anything special unless you’re fully functional. No one wants to go to finals feeling groggy and cranky.


4. Study with friends.

Studying with friends is also a huge benefit and another way to help ace your exams. Some concepts that are your weakness could be their strength and they could help you get better at doing them. 


I hope you all found this helpful and Good luck on your exams! 

Devashri Narayan

St. John's '23

A woman who wants her voice heard and changes to happen.
Chanelle Norman

St. John's '20

Chanelle is a graduate of St. John's University '20 and former Editor-in-Chief for the chapter. When she's not sleeping for ungodly hours at a time she spends her time reading, writing and watching movies. She's pursuing her dreams of working in the book industry.