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How College Friendships May Help A Student’s Career

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

As most people know, college is a really important part of someone’s life. It educates you for the pursuit of the career that you choose for yourself and it prepares you for real-life situations you might face in the work environment. You grow as a person but you also grow new important friendships.

Starting college can be tough for many reasons, one of these is if you’re going to be able to have new friendships and how are these friendships going to affect you. These types of friendships are different from the ones that you have from high school. In college, you’re more mature and better at decision making, which will eventually help you find the right group of people to be close to. 

College students have one main goal, to fulfill their major and start building their careers. This goal already sets a common goal for every student to share, which makes a connection. Students can gain a lot by befriending their classmates. These friendships can form study groups, where they can motivate each other in their academics, even if you don’t have the same major. Sometimes a student can get lazy or procrastinate on their work, therefore they need someone that understands to help them push through. And who’s better than someone that goes to your school? Students can discuss ideas for projects and commiserate over mistakes, all things that might give them new intakes that they didn’t think of before. Studies have been made among college students and their friendships, and most said that their close group of friends provided academic motivation and support, every one of them graduated. 

Another important thing that can be learned in college friendships is how to interact with different people. While in high school you would interact with people from your hometown, in college some people are from all over the country, or even from different parts of the world. College students all have completely different backgrounds and lifestyles. Though it might be odd to know people that have different experiences compared to you, it’s also a way to learn how to interact with different people. The world is beautiful because it is filled with varieties of people, and it’s important to know how to interact with them individually. In the work field, you would have the opportunity to work with many different people, and a way to properly work and collaborate with them is to know how to act with them.

Although it doesn’t seem very friendly to be saying that friendships are made to gain something from them, the very nature of the relationship is reciprocal. When a person provides support and strength to you, you also have to provide back the same amount. Everyone gains something meaningful from their friendships and other personal relationships, they are like life experiences. Some might be bad and some might be good, either way, you learn something from them. You must learn the mistakes in the bad ones, and most importantly cherish the ones that had a positive outcome, therefore cherish the good friendships that will support you and stay by your side as you’re starting your life.

Hi! I’m Benedetta Tommaselli, I was born in Rome, Italy and live there for most of my life until the age of 12, when my my family and I had to move to the United States. Writing has always been a huge part of my life, it was a good way for me to express my thoughts and feelings about the world around me. As a journalism major, I’m determined to use my passion for writing but also being able to develop it so I can be better at it. Email: benedetta.tommaselli19@my.stjohns.edu
Ivy Bourke

St. John's '23

Campus Correspondent for St. John's. I am a Sports Management major with a concentration in Business Administration, and a minor in Journalism. My passion for writing has never dulled so I hope to always use this passion for entertainment, and change.