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First Female Ref at the Super Bowl: What Does This Mean for Women in Sports?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Is there a female referee in the NFL? Who is the female referee in the NFL? The two most common questions I’ve encountered since this year’s Super Bowl. Sarah Thomas, an American football official, has fought against odds and made history as the first female referee to assist a Super Bowl. For years in sports history, an NFL referee is presented as a male figure. We’ve seen it on the media and we’ve seen it all, but we’ve never witnessed a female referee like Sarah Thomas.

As women, we have the everyday challenge to work ten times harder than men to get noticed. Unfortunately, in the work field that’s how it goes and the sports field is extremely competitive. The truth we are all aware of is that there’s a present inequality between genders and races. Thomas as a woman is pushing those stereotypes in the sports field and has made herself an inspiration to young women who aspire to be in the sports field and an inspiration to all women. In regards to sports, women are walked over due to gender inequality and stereotypes, phrases and words such as a famous “you throw like a girl” statement which belittles the woman. However, take pride in throwing like a girl because as women we show in our daily life our strength and power. This is essential to note for women in sports and any other field, as someone who defines herself as having somewhat of a streetwear style I am involved in the sneaker community and sports. It is hard to still get acknowledged in this community and have the same benefits and opportunities in fashion regarding sports apparel. There are many under categories in sports like fashion as I mentioned that are underrepresented, and even though social media has brought awareness and there are companies that are diverse and inclusive it is still present. Thomas also brings hope with this accomplishment for women to have better equipment and apparel in the sports field and the day to day life.

Furthermore, as a woman, it is vital to support and show our community to not only break glass ceilings but to trust and know that with hard work, faith and determination we can accomplish all. Thomas is an example that it is possible for all women in sports to succeed and take pride in their work and excellence. It brings joy to have a woman who opened the roads to other women that aspire to be in the sports field. Additionally, it is worth highlighting that there is an increase in women’s participation in sports and it is important to keep normalizing this area, gain equality and break gender barriers. It shows that women in sports need the recognition they deserve and be seen as true competitors. Thomas has made herself a leader and in a sense facilitated the journey of many women in sports. However, there’s still a battle to fight and multiple obstacles, but this is one step of many to come that will allow us to witness many more women athletes in the future making history. 

Melody Melo

St. John's '23

Hi! I'm Melody Melo I'm currently a sophomore at St. John's University and I'm majoring in legal studies with a minor in French. I love learning about different cultures and adventuring. I’m interested in philosophy and arts, and I enjoy expressing myself through my writing and style.
Ivy Bourke

St. John's '23

Campus Correspondent for St. John's. I am a Sports Management major with a concentration in Business Administration, and a minor in Journalism. My passion for writing has never dulled so I hope to always use this passion for entertainment, and change.