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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Rihanna, who first got her start as a musical artist with smash hits like, ‘Disturbia’ and ‘Pon de Replay’ has hit it big again… but this time, in the make-up industry. 

After launching her make-up line in September of 2017, Rihanna has continued her dominant success in more ways than one. Not only did FENTY take off financially, exploding in popularity, and being incredibly hard to find on the shelves, it also provided a one of a kind example of what diversity really looks like. 

Her foundation consists of forty shades, a stark difference from the staple ten to fifteen. Her color options span over many skin shades, especially inclusive to women of darker complexion, who are often left out of releases by other companies. Her concealer is an even broader range, consisting of fifty shades. The line also consists of other things, such as highlight & body glitter.

The inclusivity in FENTY is truly one of a kind. But this is not a one-off. It is a pattern in the brand, especially in marketing. Models for Rihanna’s brand are representative of the true population. There are men & women of many different skin tones and body types that allow for the representation of many often-overlooked groups. 

FENTY did so incredibly well not only due to the quality of product but also because of the marketing. A message of inclusion is not only impactful but also truly representative of the make-up market. Take notes, make-up industry- FENTY is taking over- and here to stay. 

You can purchase FENTY makeup here, and Savage x FENTY lingerie here

Taylor Starr

St. John's '24

Taylor Starr is a Biomedical Sciences major who draws much of her writing inspiration from the idea of sharing information & inspiring change, as well as to pursue personal passions.
Ivy Bourke

St. John's '23

Campus Correspondent for St. John's. I am a Sports Management major with a concentration in Business Administration, and a minor in Journalism. My passion for writing has never dulled so I hope to always use this passion for entertainment, and change.