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Embrace the Page: 6 Tips for New Readers to Meet Their Goals 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

In today’s fast-paced world, carving out time to fully immerse in the joys of reading may be challenging. Nevertheless, considering its multitude of benefits, cultivating reading as a habit undoubtedly proves to be worthwhile.

If you’re eager to embark on this enriching journey but are stuck at the library’s threshold without a clue where to start, don’t worry! Read these essential tips that will kickstart your reading goals and unearth the myriad of worlds waiting within the pages:

1. Set Realistic Goals

Start small and set goals that are achievable. Whether committing to reading a chapter a day or finishing a book within a specific timeframe, setting realistic goals will maintain motivation and track progress.

If you’re aiming to read a certain number of chapters or pages each day, try using a bookmark to divide the book into sections. Place the bookmark at the end of each section you plan on reading to minimize the overall goal into manageable segments, making it much easier to stay on track.

2. Find Your Genre

Experiment with different genres to discover which resonates with you most. From fiction, non-fiction, mystery, romance and science fiction, exploring various genres will keep your reading experience fresh and exciting.

Try reflecting on your interests, hobbies and preferences in other forms of entertainment to begin with. Are you drawn to stories of adventure and fantasy? Do you enjoy learning about historical events or scientific discoveries? Use these insights as a guide when exploring different genres or consider genres that you wouldn’t typically read. When trying out a new genre, give it a fair chance by reading the first few chapters before deciding if it’s a good fit. Remember, not every book within a genre will appeal to you, so don’t be discouraged if you encounter a few misses along the way.

3. Create a Reading Environment

Whether the reading takes place in a cozy living room corner, a peaceful window nook or even a secluded spot in your backyard, create a reading environment that is uniquely yours. Utilize comfortable chairs and try adding throw pillows or soft blankets for extra coziness. Display cherished books, artwork or sentimental objects that evoke feelings of creativity. 

Constructing a reading environment involves more than just designating a physical space; be sure to minimize distractions such as noise, electronics and other disturbances to fully engage with the text.

4. Make Reading a Routine

Establishing reading time slots and incorporating them into a daily routine can help reading become a natural and enjoyable part of your day. 

Start the day on a positive note and include reading into your morning routine. Set aside time before the hustle and bustle of the day to enjoy a few pages over breakfast or while sipping your morning coffee. If you have a daily commute, use this time to indulge in reading; carry a book, e-reader or audiobook and immerse yourself in a captivating story or more informative material. 

For those who forget to add reading into their daily routine, set alarms or reminders on your phone or calendar. Schedule times throughout the day dedicated to reading and treat these moments as non-negotiable commitments.

Make your reading routine flexible and adaptable to accommodate changes in your schedule. Life can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to shape reading habits around one’s current circumstances – whether it’s finding alternative reading times or adjusting the duration of sessions.

6. Join a Book Club or Reading Group

Joining book clubs or reading groups can be an exciting way to connect with fellow book lovers, discover new titles and engage in lively discussions. 

Check local libraries or bookstores to see if they have book clubs that align with your interests. Utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and websites like Goodreads are great modes to research local book clubs or reading groups. 

Additionally, community centers, churches, universities and other local organizations often host book clubs and reading groups within their programming.  Information about upcoming meetings that are open to new members can be found on club bulletin boards, newsletters or event calendars. 

When searching for book clubs or reading groups and it’s proving to be challenging, consider starting your own!

Cultivating reading as a habit is like finding a quiet oasis amid a chaotic carnival. With these tips, my fellow bookworms, we can raise our glasses (or bookmarks) to the art of getting lost in a good book. 

Cheers to happy reading and may your book pile never tower too high!

Kiara Mapp

St. John's '25

Kiara Mapp, a native of Queens, New York, is a dynamic 22-year-old with a passion for literature and writing. With a relentless pursuit of academic excellence and a fervent love for the written word, Kiara continues her studies as a Master of Arts student at St. John's University, majoring in English. As she withholds a distinctive voice and a knack for storytelling, Kiara offers a fresh perspective on issues relevant to the university experience, capturing the attention and admiration of her peers.