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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Chocolate Covered Christmas Tree Oreos 

What you will need:

-One package of Oreos



-Green Chocolate Melts

-White Icing 


-Candy Stars

Step One: 

Wash the strawberries and cut off the stems. Stick a toothpick in the flat end side. 

Step Two: 

Melt the green chocolate melts and then dip the strawberries in. Pour the sprinkles before the chocolate hardens. Take out the toothpick and put onthe oppoiste end in order to place on the oreo with the white frosting as the glue. 

Step Three: 

Take out the toothpick and replace with a star. Then you’re all done!



Candy Cane Marshmellow

What you will need:

-Large Marshmellows 

-Mini Candy Canes

-Chocolate melts


Step One:

Crush half the candy canes for the sprinkles. 

Step Two:

Melt the chocolates. Then with the toothpick dip the marshmellows one by one halfway into the melted chocolated. 

Step Three:

Then Roll the marshmellow’s in the crushed candy canes. After top it off with a whole candy cane!



Reindeer Cupcakes

What you will need:



-Vanilla Cookies

-Black Frosting Pen

-Chocolate Frosting

-Cake batter


-Vegetable oil

Step One:

First bake the cupcakes by following the directions on the box with the ingridients of eggs and vegetvale oil. Wait for it o cool once they are done and put the frosting on top.

Step Two:

Put the pretzels on the sides for ears. Then the cookie for the mouth.

Step Three:

With the chocolate frosting pen, use it as glue for the eyes and nose, then top it off with dots for the eyes!


Christmas Tree Brownie

What you will need:

-Brownie mix including the ingridients needed

-Green frosting pen

-Candy Cane 


-Mini M&M’s

-Knife or Cookie Cutter


Step One:

Bake the brownies accordingly to the instructions. Once cooled either use triangle cookie cutter or knife for the tree shape.

Step Two:

With the frosting draw design across each brownie. Then add sprinkes on top.

Step Three:

Add the M&M’s as the ornaments and then stick the candy cane at the bottom!






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Reza Moreno

St. John's

I am 19 years old from Southern Califronia currently a student at St. John's University. I love writing about fashion and sports. My hobbies include designing clothes, writing poems, and reading!
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