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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

As we commemorate Women’s History Month this March, it’s imperative to recognize and celebrate the contributions and achievements of women throughout history and within our St. John’s community. From academics to activism and leadership to innovation, women have played pivotal roles in shaping our campus culture and beyond. Here are some meaningful ways we can come together to honor and celebrate Women’s History Month on campus:

1. Highlight Women’s Achievements

Organize events or workshops that showcase the accomplishments of women in various fields, including academia, sports, arts and sciences. This can include guest lectures, panel discussions or exhibitions that emphasize the contributions of women both past and present.

2. Educational Workshops

Host educational workshops or seminars focusing on issues affecting women today, such as gender equality, women’s health and women’s empowerment. Invite guest speakers or faculty members to lead discussions and provide valuable insight into these topics.

3. Community Engagement

Encourage students, faculty and staff to get involved in community service projects that support women’s causes. Whether it’s volunteering at a local women’s shelter, organizing donation drives for menstrual hygiene products or participating in mentorship programs for young women, there are numerous ways to make a positive impact in the community.

4. Cultural Celebrations

Celebrate the diversity of women’s experiences by hosting cultural events that highlight different perspectives and traditions. This can include film screenings, cultural performances or food festivals that display the rich heritage of women from various backgrounds.

6. Support Women-Owned Businesses

Encourage the St. John’s community to support women-owned businesses both on and off-campus. Consider hosting a pop-up market featuring products and services from women entrepreneurs or organizing a campus-wide initiative to promote shopping locally at women-owned establishments.

7. Recognize Trailblazers

Take the time to honor and recognize trailblazing women who have made significant contributions to the university community. Whether through awards ceremonies, alumni spotlights or dedicated tribute events, acknowledging these trailblazers can inspire future generations of women.

Acknowledging Women’s History Month is only the starting point. It’s essential to promote ongoing education and awareness beyond March by integrating discussions of women’s history and issues into the curriculum, hosting regular events throughout the year and fostering a campus culture that values and respects the contributions of women. By coming together to celebrate Women’s History Month, we not only honor the achievements of women but also reaffirm our commitment to gender equality and empowerment. 

Let’s make this month a time of reflection, appreciation and action as we continue to strive for a more inclusive and equitable campus community at St. John’s University.

Kiara Mapp

St. John's '25

Kiara Mapp, a native of Queens, New York, is a dynamic 22-year-old with a passion for literature and writing. With a relentless pursuit of academic excellence and a fervent love for the written word, Kiara continues her studies as a Master of Arts student at St. John's University, majoring in English. As she withholds a distinctive voice and a knack for storytelling, Kiara offers a fresh perspective on issues relevant to the university experience, capturing the attention and admiration of her peers.