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Ways To Wear Scrunchies R1
Ways To Wear Scrunchies R1
Adebusola Abujade / Her Campus Media

5 Fashion Essentials Every College Student Needs Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

One thing quarantine has allowed us to do: continuous online shopping. Whether it be Amazon or a favorite clothing brand, packages have been piling up on people’s doorsteps day after day (including mine). If you already haven’t ordered these fashion essentials, add them to your online shopping carts!

       1. Scrunchies

Recently, scrunchies have been a trend in many forms of social media. The classic “VSCO girl” has a colorful scrunchie on her wrist at all times, and scrunchies then made their debut on TikTok with the “Put it in a Bun” dog challenge. Scrunchies are different from your average hair tie as they are looser on your hair but also add a sense of fashion to both your hairstyle and your wrist. In addition to being better on your hair, there is a scrunchie out there for everyone! Scrunchies come in all colors and designs so you can easily match your scrunchie with any outfit you want.

       2. Animal Print

Animal print can be bold and tricky to pull off. However, if you find a subtle and cute pattern to wear, you’re all set! Two very popular animal prints that you can add to your wardrobe ASAP are cheetah and snakeskin. If you have any other favorite animal patterns, go for it! However, one important thing to keep in mind is to never clash two different animal prints. One singular and simple animal print is perfect for any style. A little touch of an animal pattern can change your outfits from cute to fierce. 

       3. Tie-Dye

Yes, tie-dye has made a HUGE comeback. No matter what colors are involved, tie- dye is making its way back into every girl’s (and guy’s) closet. Tie-dye adds a sense of fun and spirit to all types of clothing and is a smart investment right now. It also can be a fun DIY activity! 

       4. Fashionable masks

Face masks have been incorporated into our everyday outfits ever since the COVID-19 outbreak. So why not wear a mask that represents you or your fashion taste? Many small businesses on Etsy, along with other major brands, offer a variety of different face mask patterns and styles. It is so easy to find a pattern that suits your style and these masks can allow you to “personalize” this pandemic. 

       5. Jean Jackets

Happy Fall! Fall and Spring are the two perfect seasons to break out jean jackets. What’s the best thing about jean jackets? They are affordable and durable! I’ve had my jean jacket for 3 years now (it’s still in great shape) and I got it for a great price at H&M. Jean jackets come in various colors, patterns, and lengths, so it is very easy to find one that you will love. They can be a great addition to any fall style! 

These five fashion essentials will be nothing but beneficial to your wardrobe! 

Isabel O'Neill

St. John's '22

I am a senior Adolescent Education major with a concentration in Spanish. I enjoy writing about pop culture, current events, important topics, and things that make me happy. You can find me shopping, at Chipotle or listening to Harry Styles :)
Ivy Bourke

St. John's '23

Campus Correspondent for St. John's. I am a Sports Management major with a concentration in Business Administration, and a minor in Journalism. My passion for writing has never dulled so I hope to always use this passion for entertainment, and change.