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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

When the cold weather starts to roll in, it becomes the perfect time to pick up a good book to cozy up with. Although it may have been awhile since some of us have read anything not related to school, reading is a great way to unwind and de-stress. Reading is even better when you have a book that you can’t put down, so here are 5 fall must reads to help you out:

  1. The Guest List

Is there any other way to kick off spooky season besides reading a thriller? The Guest List, by Lucy Foley, immediately grabs you in and does not let you go until you finish (which you probably will in one day). This book features a story told from 5 different perspectives, a wedding on a remote island, and a mysterious disappearance. If you enjoy mysteries, thrillers, or horror of any kind, this book is the one for you! Just read it with the lights on. 

  1. I Owe You One

If scary books aren’t really your thing, or you would like to continue sleeping with your lights off, I have options for you too. I Owe You One,  by Sophie Kinsella, is a quick, lighthearted read that will leave you smiling (and wishing for the perfect person to walk into your life). This romance novel is adorable, but will still have you cursing at the main characters who just can’t seem to make things work between them. 

  1. Normal People

Normal People, by Sally Rooney, takes on the more challenging task of being a love story without a happy ending, because what is fall without a depressing love story? Without spoiling too much, let me just tell you to have your tissues ready. On the bright side, if you can’t stand cuffing season and seeing all the cute couples going pumpkin picking, this book may be perfect for you! Either way, this book is a must read, and the Hulu original series based off this novel is equally as amazing. 

  1. Something in the Water

I’ll get away from the romance novels for now, and provide you with another creepy mystery. Something in the Water ,by Catherine Steadman, begins with the seemingly perfect relationship between newlyweds, Mark and Erin. While on their honeymoon, their whole world gets turned upside down in a very unexpected way. This story will, without a doubt, have you on the edge of your seat, and is a perfect one to read if you want to be a little scared, but not terrified for the Halloween season.

  1. Twilight

Any fall reading list is not complete without the one and only, Twilight. Whether you have never read it, or read it 15 times, fall is the best season to read or re-read theTwilight series. Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer, combines 2 aspects we need most for the perfect fall read: supernatural creatures and a crazy love story. Since the colder weather will have most of us staying inside soon, it is the perfect time to grab all your friends and binge watch the movie series as well. I already decided to re-read the series this Fall, and I highly recommend you join me. 

As I mentioned before, reading is a great way to de-stress, and with midterms happening, we could all use some ways to de-stress. I hope you decide to read at least 1 of my suggestions and embrace all of the Fall vibes. Happy fall and happy reading!

Carly Cataldo

St. John's '23

20 Fashion Business Major and Public Relations Minor at St. John's University