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10 Atypical Things I Miss Most About Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Being at school, it’s quite evident that I miss my family. And my friends. And my boyfriend. And most certainly, my bed. But what about those little things, the important little pieces of home that excite me when I go back? This article is dedicated to those little things, the little pieces of home that make it “home.”


1. Driving down the road without a purpose

In Queens, it’s difficult to simply “take a drive.” With a million cars on the road, people honking left and right, narrow lanes, and unforgiving drivers, driving down the open road is seemingly impossible. But at home, those late night drives down the beach, impromptu McDonald’s runs, and spontaneous adventures with a carful of friends are frequent and exciting. Once I arrive back home and take a drive, I notice how much more I appreciate the ability to blast the music, windows down, and drive along.


2. “Me” time

At school, it’s tough to be alone. Though I love being surrounded by my friends, sometimes I find myself wishing I could be by myself. At home, it’s as simple as going in my room and shutting the door. But at school, it tends to be a bit more difficult to have your space.


3. The scenery


There is no better place than my home in the fall. Crisp autumn leaves fill the streets and the fall air weighs lightly upon the town. Driving along the highway, various shades of orange, yellow, and red line the road, and it is simply breathtaking. On campus, though there may be beautiful trees, it doesn’t compare to the awe that home scenery encapsulates.


4. People who I see regularly in my daily routine

The woman at the gym, the customer who frequents my workplace, that coffee lady who works at Dunkin Donuts (they don’t make my French Vanilla coffee here in that perfect way that you do)… I miss you guys.


5. Reading a book for pleasure

Amidst all of my long, treacherous reading assignments, it is difficult to find time to read for pleasure. I’m forced to put away those thrilling reads for times at home, when my free time breeds the need to read. 


6. Going out to dinner with my family

At school, takeout from the nearby pizza place is the closest we get to “eating out.” At home, I look forward to family dinners at our favorite restaurant or even home cooked family meals. Spending time together and catching up amidst a delicious meal is simply the best.


7. Mom hugs

Sometimes, at the end of a terrible day, you just need a hug from your mom. Despite missing my mom (an item on the cliché “Things I Miss” list), I miss her hugs. My roommates and friends give great hugs (don’t get me wrong), but nothing is better than that warm embrace from mom.


8. Those food places only located in my area

Everyone has that “go to” place. You know? The one with the awesome wraps or delicious fries or milkshakes to die for. At school, nothing will ever be better than that place.


9. My couch

Everyone talks about missing their bed, but what about the couch? Though it gets absolutely no love, the couch is my favorite hang out place. There is no better place to take a nap than upon the couch’s plushy cushions and soft pillows. When I curl up in that fuzzy blanket and turn on reruns of One Tree Hill, my couch is there to embrace me.


10. A fully stocked refrigerator and snack cabinet

Once your snack stash runs out at school, immediate panic sets in. You have to plan your next trip to the store (oh, but you have class and meetings and tests and quizzes and homework; how will you ever get there?) But at home, no fear, mom is here. By the time I come home, the fridge is stocked and cabinets are stocked with my favorite snacks, meals, and beverages. Running out of snacks is never an option.


You know what they say, “It’s the little things that tend to add up in a big way.” Little things, you’re ever so important to me, too. 

Demery is a Criminal Justice major at St. John's University, but she is currently investigating other options for her future career. At all hours of the day, you can find her with a Diet Coke in one hand and super cute Erin Condren planner in the other. She is a self-acclaimed professional organizer and enjoys spending her free time at school with her sisters of Theta Phi Alpha and friends on campus.
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