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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

Jesse Plaza is a senior at St. Edward’s University who is finishing up his last semester of college. He is a true campus celebrity, being involved with many things such as Topper Radio, Office of Information Technology, and Phonathon during his time on the hilltop. Her Campus was able to get some more information on this guy’s busy life, so read on and get to know Jesse!



Tell us a little bit about yourself:

“I’m Jesse! I grew up in Austin and I like to think I’m a pretty typical Austinite – music, tech, and tacos are pretty much 90% of my personality. I’m the host of the OIT (Office of Information Technology) Updates Youtube series that St Edward’s produces, and I have a radio show called The Weekly Dub.”


What has been your favorite part about your time on campus?

“I transferred to the Hilltop in 2013 as a junior and started on with Topper Radio as a DJ shortly after. Two years of that has really been the highlight of my undergraduate career. The awesome people, music, and overall camaraderie has been just so great and I’m gonna miss it a lot come December.”


You are involved in a lot of things on campus; like what?

“So I’m definitely not a “celebrity” by any measure but I’m pretty involved on campus right now. Like I said, I work for OIT making Youtube videos and Topper Radio as a show host, and I also do general media stuff for various organizations. I used to run the Phonathon call center for Advancement, and I occasionally help out with promotional material for people, like doing voiceover narration on videos or taking headshots of students.”


What do you plan to do in the future?

“When I graduate, I’m going to continue on developing a versatile media portfolio – I like to wear a lot of hats! Ultimately, I’m a writer and speaker above all, so my future career is gonna use that heavily.”


What is your favoirte place to hang out around Austin?

“Any sushi joint with a generous lunch special works for me, man.”

Will you miss St. Edward’s when you graduate?

“Will I miss St. Ed’s? Well, I’m gonna keep in touch through Homecoming and such, so I don’t plan to just drop entirely! This community has really enabled me to grow and learn a lot in the past two years, and I wanna see it continue to grow.”

Do you plan on staying in Austin after graduation?

I want to travel and see the world, broaden the horizons and all that, but Austin is always gonna be my home. I hope to settle down here after a crazy life of world domination/personal fulfillment, and why shouldn’t I? This city has everything for me and I don’t wanna leave her.”

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Alexa Boone

St Edward's

I'm one of the two campus correspondents for St. Edward's University! I am a sophomore Communication major with a focus on PR and Advertising, and I love writing. I am a senior staff member on Topper Radio where I host a radio show and manage the staff blog. In the future I hope to pursue a career in the music industry doing PR for a quality music label/music representation or icon. Living in Austin has allowed me to grow in the presence of great venues, artists, and festivals. I'm also an RA for LeMans hall, and in my free time I love going to shows, hanging out at coffee shops, and doing a variety of spontaneous activities.