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Make a difference: Attend the #Bakeachange Charity Bake Sale!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

Women have been fighting for equal access to education for millennia, and now, in 2017, more women than men populate college campuses. However, for many young women and their families, even finishing high-school can seem impossible. In the face of poverty, unsafe living conditions, illness, and family responsibility, women often leave school and marry young.

That’s why next Monday, November 13th, St. Edward’s will be hosting the #bakeachange bake sale. One-hundred percent of the proceeds of #bakeachange go to She’s the First—an organization that offers financial support to girls who will be the first in their families to graduate from high school.

This organization isn’t just about education, however: it is about equipping young women with the tools to become leaders in their communities. By providing the girls with scholarship, mentoring, housing, and access to health care, She’s The First improves their quality of life so they can focus on getting an education and becoming ethical, responsible global citizens.

If this is an issue that resonates with you (or if you’re just feeling snackish), please stop by the bake sale and buy a rainbow cupcake. Come out and help support the bright futures of even brighter young women!

For more information about She’s the First and their global mission, visit their website at https://shesthefirst.org/our-focus/

My name is Amelia, but I go by Lia. I am a Psychology Major with a Spanish Minor. I care about issues of race, gender, and economic equality. But I also have more light-hearted interests like cooking, live music events, and animals.