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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

Becoming a sophomore is much more difficult than I thought it would be. The foreign feeling of being in a new place is gone. All the “firsts” have become routine. Most of the initial motivation is gone. However, there is still hope. I learned that from A$AP Rocky. He didn’t explicitly tell me, I wish, but his new album definitely did. To be honest, I was never the biggest fan of his, only playing his music before going out or to pump myself for my annual gym day. However, his new album is truly amazing and has a lot to say about life and how we should experience it. A.L.L.A. or At Long Last A$AP, is a departure from his previous work. There is more depth and insight into his perspective on life. One reoccurring theme is trying. He raps about how he’ll try anything and that everyone should too. He criticizes society because all of a sudden it’s become cool not to try. Which sadly, is true, at least in my case. His album also preaches confidence, which is always a good idea. Canal St., the second song off his album does a great job boosting self-esteem, “f*ck pretty, I’m gorgeous,” is just one of the many inspirational quotes from the song. Inner beauty is way more important than outer beauty, but sometimes it’s nice to hear and to be reminded that you are a powerful, independent, and gorgeous woman. I highly recommend this song when you’re not feeling yourself–or whenever because it’s a good song! This entire album is underrated and has injected the basic motivation that I needed to remind me of what to prioritize and to ultimately get myself together.

The big picture here is, if you’re feeling like you’re in a slump that you can’t break out of, give A$AP Rocky’s A.L.L.A. a listen.

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Alexa Boone

St Edward's

I'm one of the two campus correspondents for St. Edward's University! I am a sophomore Communication major with a focus on PR and Advertising, and I love writing. I am a senior staff member on Topper Radio where I host a radio show and manage the staff blog. In the future I hope to pursue a career in the music industry doing PR for a quality music label/music representation or icon. Living in Austin has allowed me to grow in the presence of great venues, artists, and festivals. I'm also an RA for LeMans hall, and in my free time I love going to shows, hanging out at coffee shops, and doing a variety of spontaneous activities.