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Haaaaaaaave…you met Jamie?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

Name: Jamie Cardenas

Major: Political Science with a minor in Psychology

Hometown: San Antonio

Age: 21

What are you involved with on campus?

I am an RA In Lemans Hall for the social justice LLC. A Student Government senator, the Latino Student Leaders VP, a Campus Ministry music minister, and I’m also involved with Spring Break Experience (SBE) through campus ministry. I’m going to South Africa this summer! And I’m a ballet folklorico intermediate instructor.”

What is your favorite class this semester?

Honestly, probably legal writing. It’s giving me a really good taste of what I should be doing in my future. It’s a challenge, but I enjoy the challenge. It’s taught by Drew Loewe.”

Most pressing social issue in your opinion?

I think something I am a huge advocate for regarding social justice is childhood neglect. I think childhood education is really important and not getting as much attention as it ought to.”

What are your thoughts on tattoos?

I don’t have anything against them, and I’m interested in getting one myself. I think it’s a personal choice, and if something means a lot to you then that’s your choice to get one.”

Who was the last band/artists you went to see perform?

Last semester I went to see Luke Bryan in San Antonio on October 21st.”

Do you have a favorite place in Austin?

I really enjoy running down SOCO. I’ll go from campus to the capitol and I think that stretch of the city is so beautiful because it encompasses what ATX is about.”

What color do you look best in?

Sadly, pink.”

What was the most exciting thing you did over winter break?

I went to NYC, the greatest place in the world where dreams come true.”

If you could make an addition to campus, what would it be?

I think it would be nice to have a more comfortable place for people to sit, relax, and hang out. Maybe in Rags or anywhere that has a more welcoming environment where you can just leave your stress at the door.”

Goal for this semester?

My goal for the semester is being more comfortable and confident in who I am. And also to take care of myself while still being able to take care of others, but in a more healthy manner.”

Last words…?

Go Spurs, Go.”


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Alexa Boone

St Edward's

I'm one of the two campus correspondents for St. Edward's University! I am a sophomore Communication major with a focus on PR and Advertising, and I love writing. I am a senior staff member on Topper Radio where I host a radio show and manage the staff blog. In the future I hope to pursue a career in the music industry doing PR for a quality music label/music representation or icon. Living in Austin has allowed me to grow in the presence of great venues, artists, and festivals. I'm also an RA for LeMans hall, and in my free time I love going to shows, hanging out at coffee shops, and doing a variety of spontaneous activities.