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Campus Cutie: Joey Horvath

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

Name: Joey Horvath

Hometown: Sugarland, Texas

Relationship Status: Single

Grade: Junior

Major: Communication

What organizations are you involved with on campus?

I’m the Marketing Director for Topper TV, which is a brand new organization that started last year.  I was talking to Topper TV’s president last year about this idea she had, and I thought it sounded really cool how she wanted to start a TV station for St. Edward’s, because that’s something that we didn’t have that pretty much any other school had. I thought it would be something cool to be involved in, especially watching it grow on campus. I’m also involved in writing for my campus newspaper, Hilltop Views. I have been writing for the “Voices from Abroad” blog since I’ve been in France.

If you could give any advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

If I could say anything to my freshman self it would be to just try to get involved in as much on campus as possible, because you’re only going to be here for four years, and it makes your college experience a lot different if you get involved and try to push yourself into doing new things.

You are currently studying abroad in Angers, France; what has your experience been like so far?

It’s been magical; I’m having a really good time – the pastries are amazing! I actually just ate at McDonald’s today, and it was like a little taste of home. We have a really good group of St. Edward’s students here, too, and I’m having a lot of fun with everyone. I’m also really excited to travel. I get really excited planning and thinking about all the trips I’m going to go on.

What is your favorite thing to do in Angers so far?

My favorite thing to do is probably walking down to the shopping center in the town center. I just like looking at all of the buildings and all of the old architecture.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.  No I’m just kidding.  But, I can eat three times my weight.

Samantha is a Senior English writing and rhetoric major at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas. She just got back to America after studying abroad for a semester in Angers, France. On top of writing for Her Campus, Samantha is a teaching assistant for freshman writing classes and a news reporter/ social media editor for Hilltop Views, her campus newspaper. Follow her on twitter @samanthdriscoll and instagram @sdrisco.
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Brooke Lewis

St Edward's

Brooke Lewis is a senior English Writing & Rhetoric major at St. Edward's University in Austin. She has one left semester left and plans to study journalism in graduate school, after graduation. She also is interning at The Austin American Statesman this semester, for the online department. Brooke has been obsessed with magazines since the 7th grade, when she created one with her friends and distributed it to the girls in her grade. Besides writing, Brooke enjoys playing the piano, hanging out with friends, and watching too much DVR'd television. Some of her favorite shows include Scandal, Nashville, Grey's Anatomy, and the Real Housewives franchise (quality television right there). Brooke is excited to be Co-Editor in Chief of St. Edward's chapter of Her Campus this semester!