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The All-American Girl Next Door

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

Bailey Allegro is a trendy girl who asbolutely slays the colored hair look. You’d expect her to give some cool answers to match her rad personality, and she did! 


Name: Bailey Anne Allegro

Major: Religious and Theological Studies

Minor: French

Year: Sophomore 


Who is your favorite artist?

“I dabble in the Renaissance period.”

I meant musical artist..

“Sorry, hands down Train. Where my Soul Sistas at?! Am I right ladies!”

Moving on…

Favorite T.V. show?

“Big Bang Theory for sure!”

What’s your favorite outfit?

“I’m really into tracksuits, really love the jean skirts with leggings look. Basically 2000’s fashion is me.”

3 thing you’d bring on a desert island?

“-Mac & cheese (homemade)

-Kylie Jenner


What is your favorite song to sing in the shower?

“Phatty-CCB and Future-Thought it was a Shower”

What is your favorite Type of Flip Flop?


Favorite Movie?

“John Tucker Must Die.”

Favorite Crockpot Recipe?

“Lava Cake.”

What would you say your most admired slang word is?


What would you tell freshmen year you if you could?

“Don’t get stressed over finals, it doesn’t matter as much as you think.”


Thanks Bailey! 


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Alexa Boone

St Edward's

I'm one of the two campus correspondents for St. Edward's University! I am a sophomore Communication major with a focus on PR and Advertising, and I love writing. I am a senior staff member on Topper Radio where I host a radio show and manage the staff blog. In the future I hope to pursue a career in the music industry doing PR for a quality music label/music representation or icon. Living in Austin has allowed me to grow in the presence of great venues, artists, and festivals. I'm also an RA for LeMans hall, and in my free time I love going to shows, hanging out at coffee shops, and doing a variety of spontaneous activities.