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10 Reasons Why Puppy Love is All You Need

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

For some of us, Valentine’s Day is an awareness that we are still single. Dreadful right? All the cute stuff animals, chocolates, and roses at the grocery stores remind you that you don’t have anyone to give them to or no one to give them to you. But who cares!? You can have your own little valentine with your furry friend! 

Here are ten reasons why you should not care and just have a lot of puppy love on Valentine’s day:

1. They’re absolutely adorable.

There’s probably not a day that you do not take a picture of your puppy. They’re totally photogenic and doing the cutest thing. Most of your friends pay more attention to your precious little pal than you when they come over. Take cute pictures and post them on IG.

2. They’re so loyal.

Unlike some humans, your pooch will always be by your side. They love you more than anything else in the world. As you walk through the door they already wagging their tail and waiting for you to pet them or scratch their belly.

3. They’re the best companions.

Even in your not so shiny days, your pup will always try to bring a smile to your face. He/She will give you his undivided attention and company. Dogs can sense your feelings and their heart breaks when you’re not feeling well. They’ll give you your time and space, but when you’re ready they’ll welcome you with a smile. 

4. They love a pooch smooch.

Some people feel grossed out about puppies kissing their cheeks or mouths. But your puppy doesn’t care. They will lick you some puppy love. Your furry pal will always try to demonstrate how much you mean to them. Their kisses have love written all over them, because it’s unconditional. 

5. They always manage to put a smile on your face.

Whether it is by giving you small smooch, or by simply doing goofy things like putting their paw under the door. Your tiny, furry baby will manage to make your day in every possible way.


6. They love to explore new places with you.

Your pooch loves the quality time you can provide to him. They love to spend as much time with you as you can with them. Especially when the adventures take place outdoors, even if it’s just for a walk at the nearest park. They’re your trainers when you want to get in shape and their always looking out for you. 

7. Your furry friend will always welcome you home.

You were out all day and haven’t seen your pup, and you’re starting to feel guilty. Do not worry. They miss you as much as you miss them. But your pup will always wait up for you to get home no matter what time it is. Your pup will only sleep in peace when he sees you home. 

8. They never let you down.

Your precious baby will always go with you no matter where in the world you’re going. They know how crazy and spontaneous you can be, so they’ll be down to go whatever you go. Even if it’s a road trip across the country or just for some ice cream and treats around the corner. 

9. They love you no matter what.

Puppies love you no matter what you did, what you like, if you are still in PJs, pups love you no matter what. No matter how big or small they are your puppy has a big heart full of unconditional love just for you.

10. They’re the best cuddle buddies.

Your pooch loves to be petted and loved all the time. They will tell you when they want their space, but mostly they are there for your hugs.Your precious little pal will switch his mood in a second once you let him know you want to cuddle.

Don’t have a dog? You can always visit a local pet shelter and visit the puppies that don’t have a home yet. Adopt one or visit one. Either way, you got to get some of that puppy love.


Blanca is in her third year at St. Edward's University. She is currenly working towards a barchelor's degree in PR and Advertising. Blanca's perfect evenings consists of coffee shops, furry friends, and a good book. Blanca has a passion for writing fictional short stories, attending concerts, and exploring different parts of Austin with her friends. 
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Taylor Duane

St Edward's