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This Week We Love: Revision Breaks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

While some of you may be the type that can study for hours on end without a break, that is not the way it goes for me. I need many breaks of varying lengths to get me through the day. 

There are the short breaks where I get up to make a cup of tea or grab a snack, and then there are the longer breaks where I watch TV, take a nap, or visit with friends. It is during these longer breaks that you can get sucked into the world of the internet where half an hour becomes two hours in the blink of an eye. I have some tips for revision breaks that won’t allow you to fall into this trap.

Watch one episode of your favourite TV show. If you set yourself the goal of only watching the one episode, you are more likely to stick to your time limits than if you say to yourself ‘I’m just going to watch TV for a bit.’ My reccommendations are New Girl, Fresh Meat, or Gossip Girl. They are all less than an hour, and will provide you with enough escapism to leave you refreshed when you go back to revision.

Go shopping. Make a list of what you need at Tesco, but also pop into H&M or Paperchase on your way. If you’re like me, when you shop you can only think about shopping. It’s a great way to take the pressure off for a few minutes. And you might even find something cute to inspire you in your revison. 

Listen to music. Press play on your favourite song and don’t look at your revision until it’s over. You could also press play on ‘Christmas Gets Worse Every Year‘ by The Other Guys and help them get to Christmas Number 1. 

If you must check Facebook or Twitter set yourself a specific time limit so you won’t spend all day stalking people you don’t know or chatting to your friends. 

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.