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This Week We Love: Reading for Fun

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

Is all of your time spent reading academic books, researching on JSTOR, and consulting dictionaries? Do you find yourself going on the Daily Mail, not for news but for pictures of celebrities? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. But this week why not try to make some time to read a book for fun. 

Reading for fun is just that, fun. Pick a book that you have heard good things about, or just one that has a nice looking cover. Read a couple of chapters at a time in between tutorial readings. You will soon find that you have finished the book and have really enjoyed yourself in the process. 

Great news, now you have something to talk about with your friends that isn’t the next party or how hot that one person in your tutorial is. What are you reading? Let us know! 

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.