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This Week We Love: Fresh Meat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

This week, and most weeks, my favorite show on television is Channel 4’s Fresh Meat. Now coming to the end of the second series, it never fails to make me laugh. The characters are hilarious and the plotlines almost believable. 

The six housemates missed out on halls and were instead allocated places in a university house. After some rocky starts, they eventually all become friends. As the second series comes to an end, the characters are coming to the end of their first year at Uni. The first year has gone well for some, and not so well for others. Josie’s year started out promising, until she put a hole in a woman’s cheek during a dentistry practical. 

My favourite characters are Howard and JP. I love their odd friendship, and they are both great for memorable one liners. I really love Howard’s sheep jumper, and his crush on Sabine. JP turned from annoying posh idot to loveable posh idot halfway through the first series. I always cringe for him when his ‘Stoweaway’ friends show up. 

If you haven’t seen Fresh Meat, stop what you’re doing and head to 4OD right now!

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.