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This Week We Love: Candles

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

When revising for these pesky exams, one trick I use to keep myself focused is lighting a candle. 

Reason 1: It makes the room smell nice, which makes me want to stay in it longer.

Reason 2: You can’t leave the room for an extended period of time because you might burn your flat down. And with it would go all of your notes.

Reason 3: Candle light has a pleasing quality that de-stresses me. I find it especially interesting to watch when it flickers. 

Reason 4: You can play with the wax when you get bored of revision.

Reason 5: I got a lovely candle in Secret Santa and I wanted to use it! Revision seemed like the perfect excuse. 

*Note – only use candles if you are allowed by your rental agreement, we don’t want anyone to get in trouble! 

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.