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These Sci-Fi Films Taught Me Life Lessons: Here’s why

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

Science fiction is a way to peek into the future, full of possibilities. No matter how accurately science tries to predict, it can never be sure. Through sci-fi films and literature, we have the potential to address technological change, cultural crises and existential risks that may define what we’re in for. This form of imagination is so deep that it can scarily become reality, and therefore is the ultimate form of preparation.

The summer that just passed was probably the last time I’ll have such a long break before I start my working life. As I noticed this, I constantly tried to live, learn and make the best out of every moment. My interest towards science fiction grew stronger as I had more time to discover and watch new movies. To me, this genre feels very real and grounding. I believe that ‘maturing’ goes hand in hand with the deeper lessons that can be understood from this genre and this is what thrills me about sci-fi the most. The movies mentioned below are some of my all-time favorites. Believe me when I say, they are therapeutic in a way nothing else can be. The bigger picture can help you notice fundamental facts about the way the world works and responds with you. Having tried my best to avoid any spoilers, I believe that these movies are definitely worth your time!


This film highlights that the human survival instinct is the greatest source of inspiration, with the profound themes of love, determination and human endurance. The most interesting lesson that permeates throughout the film is the idea of relative time. Time is relative, even in our everyday life. It is very different for each one of us and works exactly the way we want it to. The present and the future can be our superpower, but the past can never be, and we just cannot go back in time.


The same way that interstellar represented the relativity of time, Arrival explores the principle of linguistic relativity. The nature of human communication and its evolution goes back to the principle of life on Earth. The central idea is how language can structure the brain to the extent that it controls a person’s perception and the view of the world. In literal sense, if our writing on earth is linear, and therefore the brain sees our life in a linear timeline, what would happen if our writing were circular?

I am Mother

Humanity is on the brink of extinction in the context of this Netflix film. An AI robot raises a girl to give humans a second chance and the possibility to repopulate the world with a new version that is not self-destructive, greedy, selfish and ignorant. It indirectly addresses education and its ethical value and is one of my favorites!

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Hands down, this movie tops all others! It emphasizes the value of memories and the need to express, share and not hold on but to just speak your heart. However odd, awkward and wrong the consequences play out in your head, they’re all assumptions and they need to be ignored, for the pain of regret is worse. It highlights the value of embracing change and uncertainty, since they are the very elements that allow personal growth and new opportunities!

Sadhvika Ramji

St. Andrews '24

An average human has more than six-thousand thoughts every day. We see and hear new stories all the time. Stories that interest us, stories that keep us awake, stories that put us to sleep and stories we just cannot help but share. This is my platform to share those stories. Takes a second for you to read but leaves you thinking for a bit longer.