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St Andrews does All Hallows’ Eve

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

There comes the night in every girl’s life that she can wear a wig, a cape or even the tiniest dress on the planet and get a pat on the shoulder for joining in on the scary holiday fun. I’m talking about that one time of the year when the leaves are definitely now orange and there is a chill in the air that can only be explained in one word – Halloween.

Halloween is not just an opportunity to dress up like the latest superhero in the summer blockbuster hit; it used to have a cultural and spiritual meaning. All-Hallows’-Eve is thought to be of Pagan roots and be the night when the dead re-visit their homes. In turn the next day is more recently referred to All Saints Day were people pay their respects to their departed and honour the saints that protect them.

For years now, with the talk of the dead visiting their homes again, many countries and their youngsters around the world take it as a chance to go trick or treating while dressed up as their favourite ghoul or witch. However being a student doesn’t mean you should give up the opportunity to dress up! In fact, its encouraged – most bars and clubs have a themed night for any ghouls, witches or zombies that want to party the night away while the other dead float in and out of the town.

So what could be the best costume to go with this Halloween?

Looking for cute and quirky? Go as Jess from New Girl! Along the same lines there is Ms. Emma Pillsbury from Glee!

Looking for sassy and feisty? Selina or Catwoman from the Dark Knight Rises will definitely get the sleek attention you’re looking for from any of the Bruce Waynes in the crowd. If Catwoman isn’t up your alley, then Black Widow from Avengers Assemble should hit the nail on the head.

Cute and Sassy not your thing? How about something more on the lines of spooky? Sally from the Nightmare before Christmas should be it for you! And if you have a guy at your ‘disposal’, maybe he can be Jack.

Or what about just going old school? The Evil Queen from Snow White made a huge comeback in the two films that came out earlier this year. Just remember to perfect that cackle for when Snow White takes a bite out of her apple.

What are your costumes plans while in St Andrews? Are you leaning towards dressing as Carrie Bradshaw, in honour of the new Carrie Diaries series starting soon? Or just wearing a shirt, ray bans and socks a la Tom Cruise in Risky Business? Or perhaps are you looking frantically through the charity shops for a bright pink dress to pay ironic homage to the latest toddler star – Honey Boo Boo? Let us know!

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.