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The Royal Wedding: All for it!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

Let’s face it, it’s hard not to get caught up in all this Royal Wedding lark. All that paraphernalia, the mugs, flags and life-size cut-outs – it’s infectious. All those people who remain supremely unaffected are either made of stone or simply Royal Wedding fanatics, trapped inside their own little cupboards of denial, and, though they may refuse to see it, jealously. Now you may scoff, but it’s true.  I’m not saying you’re pining for the beautiful balding head of our future King, but girls, if there’s not a tiny part of you that’s the least bit jealous of Kate then you’re either lying, or simply wrong.

To start with she’s beautiful, and then there’s the mere fact that she’s having the biggest most talked about wedding in about a century, and, to cap it all, she’s about to become a Princess. If that green eyed monster isn’t clawing away at your chest right now then I’d be pretty surprised. 

But what could perhaps be called her biggest asset has been overlooked; her intelligence. She’s done something very original, and pretty smart, in her bid to get closer to the one person who can have really influenced her to marry Wills; Harry. Now that’s not to say that Wills isn’t a handsome and respectable chap; he’s got a lot going for him, but who could resist the carrot topped, politically-incorrect charms of Prince Harry? See, now you’re jealous. She’s one step closer to the Prince that everyone actually wants to marry. Sneaky, eh? Now my predictions in the past may have not been exactly accurate but you can bet that within the year the divorce papers will be signed and every single female in the country will be mourning, because another Royal Wedding will be on the cards, and Harry off the market. 

But let’s just say for now that Kate isn’t just trying to get closer to Harry (doubtful), loves Wills and is going to spend the rest of her life with him, it’s a pretty exciting thing; the general atmosphere of enthusiasm and anticipation is palpable, we get to eat cupcakes with their faces on, and, to top it all, we get a bank holiday. So I reiterate my previous point; if you’re not excited, you’re wrong.