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Our Story: St Andrews’ Latest Cafe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

Our Story Cafe recently opened its doors on Bell Street. It is one of many cafes trying to make a profit on the need that most students have for caffeine. But Our Story has something that sets it apart. Namely, the homely interior and the 50/50 policy. The gist of it is that 50% of the profits are given away to charities in and around Fife. 

The menu is full of loose teas, vegetarian soups, and homemade sandwiches. The decoration is a cross between Hipster and grandma, giving it a cosy and welcoming atmosphere. 

We here at Her Campus can’t wait to check it out. The only thing stopping us is the fact that it is always full! Check out the website here, and make sure to pop in soon. 

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.