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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

I have officially reached the point of the semester where I feel slightly haggard and in need of some TLC. I don’t know about you, but I had a deadline during reading week, so for me, this was not a time for rest and relaxation. Once I finally caught a break, I decided it was time to take some time off to revitalise. Despite what you might think, you don’t have to spend lots of money to feel refreshed. Here are some tips to help boost both your physical and mental health mid-semester!

1. Spa night

A classic for a reason; having a get-together with some of your best pals is a great way to boost your mood. Get together nail polish, face masks, and candles for a relaxing, atmospheric evening. I really like the 7th heaven face masks as they are not only well-priced but also make me feel so put together!

Organising a spa night is also a great way to catch up with friends. It’s easy to cancel coffee dates and brunch dates in the face of an impending deadline, but it’s so important to maintain connections – you’ll be surprised at how many people are in the same stressful boat.

2. Accessorising

With the stress of deadlines, it’s easy to forget about the little things that can make us feel more put together. Again, it doesn’t have to be over the top, but jewellery, perfume, and hair accessories are all tiny ways of sprucing up your outfit and making you feel ready to face the day!

3. Exercise

The truth is out – exercising for your mental health does actually work. Again, life is all about balance. You don’t have to go for a trek in the Highlands – a walk along Lade Braes will do the trick. Grab a cup of tea or coffee, bring a friend or jam out to some tunes while you are experiencing the benefits of the fresh air! I always find that exercise makes me feel one hundred times better, yet when I’m busy, it’s the first thing to go! Use this as your reminder that it’s important to take study breaks to get moving.

If you want a more structured routine, I can recommend St Andrews YogiSoc which has a variety of classes throughout the week, from Vinyasa to Puppy Yoga if you get membership with either YogiSoc or the Dog Walking society.

EmpowHer also does regular workouts for their members, both small group and large group. Even if you’re not a member, it’s still worth keeping an eye on the events as many are open to all!

4. Limit your screen time

It’s so tricky to find the balance between staying connected and detaching from social media, but I find it useful to have solid blocks away from my phone every day. I understand this is easier said than done, and it is unrealistic to expect you to leave your phone at home when you have to go out! Instead, consider leaving it face down when talking to people or turning it to airplane mode. I find the app Forest useful when I’m working; it’s a great way to allocate yourself a certain time away from the screen, all while helping the environment! What’s not to love?

The most important thing here is to remember to take care of yourself. This can be done in very small ways which make a massive difference!

Emma Gatrell

St. Andrews '24

Hi, I'm Emma! I'm studying History at St Andrews. Things I love include good books, cats, and drinking lots of tea.