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Lucy the Travel Guru

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

Whilst travelling is so much fun and very exciting, it can be stressful too, especially if you are a girl travelling alone. Here are my top tips to make your travels more hassle-free this winter break, so that you can just relax and enjoy your holiday!


  1. Be Prepared

I like to think that I’m on holiday as soon as I step out of my front door with my bags packed, not just when the plane touches down. However actually getting to your destination can be stressful, with flight delays, crowded stations and heavy bags. Not everything is under your control but you can minimise the hassle by getting all your important documents and travel details together beforehand. Knowing exactly where your passport and tickets are before you arrive at the gate means that you can just breeze through on to your transport. Yes, smugness is allowed.

  1. Think about what to pack

Do you really need 10 bikinis? Really?? Set aside some time to pack a few days before you leave and think through what you’ll be doing on holiday and what you’ll need/want while doing it. For example, you might have grand plans of getting up early each morning and going for a run, so you pack your trainers…1 day into your trip and a second breakfast at 11 am is far more appealing than any exercise. Be realistic about what you need – your bags will be a lot lighter for it!

  1. Get insurance

There’s a bit of a misconception that insurance is ridiculously expensive and you never need it anyway, so what’s the point? However, most airlines offer a fairly cheap basic insurance deal which won’t break the bank. And speaking from experience after being stuck in Tunisia without insurance and having to desperately phone home for extra money to get a flight, the one time you don’t have it is the one time you’ll really need it.

  1. Don’t attract unnecessary attention

Yes, I know, we should be able to dress and act how we want and that dressing provocatively is never an excuse for unwanted attention. But when travelling, especially alone, I think it’s easier to play it safe and avoid any difficult situations. Also it’s often a good idea to be aware of the cultural norms of the place you are visiting, so you can be respectful and avoid unintentionally causing offence.

  1.  Do something new

Whether you’re travelling to get away to experience something completely new or just to relax on a beach, your holiday will be so much more fun if you throw yourself into the place you’re visiting. Go on a guided tour, head to the local bar, get talking to the people around you. It’s guaranteed to make your trip full of exciting experiences and happy memories. 

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.