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Lucy Stanfied: Christmas Festivities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

The end is nigh – exams and deadlines will soon be a dim and distant memory (nightmare), and the Christmas break stretches ahead full of endless days of sleeping until midday, exhausting Netflix of all its possibilities and gorging on leftover Christmas food. Ah, the good life. However, humans are not meant to hibernate (totally not fair) and some point Netflix, Love Film and BOB-national will run out of things to watch. When you get to the point of watching reruns of Friends for over 5 hours of a day, it is probably time to put the laptop down, put some clothes on and see some 3-D people. But just in case you are lacking inspiration, after all the hard work your brain has been doing over the last few weeks, here are a few ideas:

  1. Go ice-skating

WARNING: use caution. Although I wholeheartedly support ice-skating as a fun winter activity, I am absolutely hopeless and terrified on ice. It is slippery already, why add razor-sharp blades to your feet? However, I am told that it is a great time and for those who can glide effortlessly across the ice like Will Ferrell in “Blades of Glory” then this is a must do.

  1. Make mulled wine

Wine. Oranges. Cinnamon. Cloves. Mulled-ness. What’s not to like?

  1. Go shopping

Pre-Christmas: presents, of course! Post-Christmas: January sales! All the things you wanted for Christmas but did not get are now on sale, which means you can return those socks from your auntie and get something you actually want instead, without hurting anyone’s feelings. Perfect!

  1. Go for a walk

If you’re feeling a bit cooped up with all your family (five weeks is a LONG time to be back at home) then head out into the countryside for some fresh air. There is nothing better than a cool, crisp winter’s day, crunching leaves beneath your feet and warming up with some mulled wine (of course) afterwards.

  1. Watch a movie

I know, I know, I watch too much Netflix. But the Christmas period always sees the release of some really good films, so watch something on the big screen for a change. Some films I am looking forward to this Christmas are “The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug” (admittedly, mainly for the return of Orlando Bloom), “Anchorman 2” and “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”.