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To Hunter Boot or Not To Hunter Boot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.


That is essentially the question Shakespeare would ask if he were a St. Andrew’s Student (that and whether he should Barbour or not Barbour… but perhaps more on Barbour-ing another time.

Upon arriving in the bubble in September and waltzing around on the gorgeous – yet sometimes dangerous- cobbled pavements I noticed a lot of Hunter Boots walking past me. There were Black, Army Green, Navy, and even fire truck engine Red ones with a huge label at top of each boot that one could see a mile away! It was like an email was sent out regarding University fall style and I never got it! But as it was still beginning of the term, i thought maybe i was just overwhelmed with my new surroundings!

So you can imagine my shame, when a few weeks later I took a walk into town with my own wellies and everyone was still sporting Hunter Boots… I felt like a black sheep among fluffy styled sheep! But after a few steps in my black wellies with a very unoriginal label of ‘Splash’ – i realized something. In Hunter Boots or not, my socks will not get wet! And isn’t that what is important? When trekking to/fro the library and class during Book-vember, my socks cannot afford to get wet…otherwise I’ll never work! (Procrastination Excuse No.103)

So the moment of panic and embarrassment passed. While I would love a pair of Hunter boots, and honestly once thought of heading to the quaint little shop at the corner of Market Street just to try them on and see how I look in them- i think I’ll pass on buying them. Instead I stuck to the ones I already have and with the money I saved I bought tickets to the Post Grad Ball and the much anticipated Mermaid’s Christmas Ball … ( I passed on the Welly Ball because well that’s just asking for trouble in my Splash wellies!) 

However, I shall say this I have added Hunter Boots to my Christmas List!

So here’s to a teeny hope that dearest mummy and daddy think that buying me Hunter Boots are a good Christmas present – you know just for while I’m living in St. Andrew’s because the moment i set foot back in Malta in any wellies…even diamond studded ones… I would be asked if the airplane misplaced my pitchfork and hay stack at baggage claim!

PS. For more on battling the rain in bonnie Scotland be sure to check out Hannah’s post at http://www.hercampus.com/school/st-andrews/week-we-love-waterproof-clothing

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.