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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

If you’ve never been to the gym but are thinking of going some time in the near future here are some facts you might want to consider. Last year the gym was inexplicably tiny. About three treadmills made up the whole gym. Since then, it has been reconstructed yet still it isn’t quite large enough to meet the needs of the large student body- it is better suited for 30 people. On the whole, the gym facility is quite nice-now. The machines are of high quality and if you like to watch TV while you work out there are typically re-runs of Friends or Scrubs on. However if you find yourself there around 5pm during the week you can expect at least a 20-minute wait. The best time to go is between 10 and 3 during the week. The gym is also designed to essentially be a hall of mirrors so that no matter where you are working out you can check yourself out  and see your immediate progress as you move along or perhaps make awkward eye contact with people  via the mirror.

Yet, the most  perplexing thing I have discovered at the gym is the attire. Yes, to each his own might be the saying here but converses to run, really? Also worn: Hawaiian trunks, polos, and short spandex. Would a sports bra be too much to ask. This isn’t a fashion show, though if you do find yourself there during February or March it might just be filled with models. 

Those most prominently found in the gym are:

    1. Americans, wearing prep school T-shirts or intense athletic outfits
    2. Rugby players in extremely short shorts
    3. People pretending to workout, but actually watching TV
    4. Grunters, people making excessively large noises as they workout
    5. Scopers: people attending the gym to check other people out, and trying to look impressive with their workout
    6. Hot guys you never seem to see outside of the gym